• 慢性疲劳综合症由压力引起

    12-11-26 Australian researchers have discovered for the first time that reduced heart rate variability -- or changes in heart beat timing -- best predicts cognitive disturbances, such as concentration difficulties commonly reported by people with chronic fat...

  • 加拿大某植物人表示:无疼痛感

    12-11-13 A Canadian man who was believed to have been in a vegetative state for more than a decade, has been able to tell scientists that he is not in any pain. 加拿大一位保持植物人状态长达10年的男子,已能够告诉科学家他无任何疼痛感。 It's the first time an u...

  • 减少植入式除颤器的不适当电击

    12-11-08 Loyola University Medical Center is among the centers participating in a landmark study that could lead to fewer inappropriate shocks from implanted defibrillators(电震发生器) . Implanted defibrillators save lives by shocking hearts back into a no...

  • 心脏再同步治疗对心传导阻滞患者大有益处

    12-11-07 Heart failure patients with a condition called heart block derive significant benefit from cardiac resynchronization(再同步) therapy (CRT), according to the results of the Block HF clinical trial, presented November 6 at the American Heart Associa...

  • 成人哮喘治疗调整没有显著效果

    12-09-12 Among adults with asthma controlled with low-dose inhaled corticosteroid(皮质类固醇) therapy, the time to treatment failure was not significantly different among patients who received corticosteroid dose adjustment based on physician assessment, a...

  • 某种自闭症可使用营养补充剂治疗

    12-09-07 An international team of researchers, led by scientists at the University of California, San Diego and Yale University schools of medicine, have identified a form of autism with epilepsy(癫痫) that may potentially be treatable with a common nutrit...

  • 二线化疗时加入巴微昔单抗能提高疗效

    12-09-07 Adding the monoclonal(单克隆的) antibody bavituximab(巴微昔单抗) to docetaxel(多西他赛) chemotherapy doubles overall response rate and improves progression-free survival and overall survival in late-stage non-squamous, non-small cell lung canc...

  • 阳光维生素对治疗肺结核有帮助

    12-09-05 Vitamin D could help the body fight infections of deadly tuberculosis, according to doctors in London. 伦敦的医生表示,维生素D可以帮助身体抵御肺结核感染。 Nearly 1.5 million people are killed by the infection every year and there are concerns some c...

  • 改变脑部活动可预防老年痴呆症

    12-07-17 Activity lingers longer in certain areas of the brain in those with Alzheimer's than it does in healthy people, Mayo Clinic researchers who created a map of the brain found. The results suggest varying brain activity may reduce the risk of Alzheimer...

  • 生物膜被破坏会引发慢性感染

    12-07-13 A clever new imaging technique discovered at the University of California, Berkeley, reveals a possible plan of attack for many bacterial diseases, such as cholera(霍乱) , lung infections in cystic fibrosis(包囊性纤维症) patients and even chroni...