• 对临床试验数据重新分析可改变先前结论

    14-09-11 As many as one-third of previously published randomized clinical trials could be re-analyzed in ways that modify the conclusions of how many or what types of patients need to be treated, according to a new study by researchers at the Stanford Univer...

  • 预测急诊病人患糖尿病的风险

    14-08-21 A new online tool will help doctors predict which patients are most likely to develop diabetes. The calculator will help doctors identify high risk patients so that they can be tested for the disease and offered lifestyle advice. The test is targete...

  • 利比里亚17名埃博拉患者失踪

    14-08-19 Seventeen suspected Ebola patients are missing in Liberia after a health centre in the capital was attacked, the government says. 利比里亚政府称,首都一家卫生站遭到攻击,17名埃博拉病毒疑似患者失踪。 The government had previously denied they were mis...

  • 糖尿病与肥胖症之间的一些惊人发现

    14-08-06 While diabetes rates are on the rise and are having serious effects on millions of people's health, researchers studying grizzly bears(灰熊) have now discovered a natural state of diabetes that serves a real biological purpose and is also reversib...

  • 顶拳所传播的细菌比握手少

    14-07-30 Fist bumping transmits significantly fewer bacteria than either handshaking or high-fiving, while still addressing the cultural expectation of hand-to-hand contact between patients and clinicians, according to a study published in the August issue o...

  • 《誓约》精彩语句

    14-06-25 These flashes of high intensity that completely turn our lives upside down, actually end up defining who we are. 这些彻底改变我们人生的深刻光景会决定我们是谁。 As you know, your wife's CT scan showed intracranial hemorrhaging. 你也知道,你太太的CT扫...

  • 医院病房“晚上很嘈杂”

    14-06-17 Hospitals need to do more to ensure patients get a good night's sleep, nurses say. 医院需要做出更多努力来保证病人能睡个好觉。 Delegates at the Royal College of Nursing conference said a combination of thoughtlessness and badly run wards were keeping...

  • 小分子可能是治疗抑郁症的关键

    14-06-10 Levels of a small molecule found only in humans and in other primates are lower in the brains of depressed individuals, according to researchers at McGill University and the Douglas Institute. This discovery may hold a key to improving treatment opt...

  • 术后恢复期 男性疼痛感更强

    14-06-03 Men feel more pain than women while recovering from major surgery, a study suggests. 研究显示,在术后恢复期,男性的疼痛感比女性更强烈。 More than 10,000 patients were monitored after operations, including heart or abdominal(腹部的) surgery, at a h...

  • 脑震荡康复时间 女性较短

    14-05-07 A study of concussion(冲击,脑震荡) patients using diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI弥散张量成像 ) found that males took longer to recover after concussion than females did. Results of the study, which show that DTI can be used as a bias-free way to...