• 中国发布疫苗生产管理指导方针

    17-02-08 The central government has issued a guideline to boost development and management of vaccines. 中国政府发布一份关于疫苗开发与管理的指导方针。 The guideline, issued by the General Office of the State Council, called for support in vaccine research an...

  • surgiholic 整形狂人

    16-12-11 Surgiholic is a person who seeks plastic surgery, from head to toe, and is never satisfied. 整形狂人指的是总爱做整形手术的人,从头到脚都要做,而且从不满足。 Some are patients Sevinor dubs surgiholics, who start at the top, work their way down, and r...

  • Sorry 对不起

    16-08-25 Im sorry, Madam, but I shall have to charge you twenty dollars for pulling your boys tooth. Twenty dollars! Why, I understand you to say that you charged only four dollars for such work! Yes, but this youngster yelled so terribly that he scared four...

  • 医生建议不应长时间穿着洞洞鞋

    16-06-17 Love them or hate them, Crocs -- the rubber clogs that started out in 2002 as boater-floaters for Jimmy Buffett types in Florida but have now sold more than 300 million pairs in 90 countries are here to stay. 卡洛驰于2002年创建在佛罗里达,当时是为划...

  • 肥胖与吸烟会降低类风湿早期的疗效

    16-06-10 London, United Kingdom, June 9, 2016: The results of a study presented today at the European League Against Rheumatism Annual Congress (EULAR 2016) showed that the likelihood of achieving sustained remission in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is sig...

  • 美国公司获许可测试死者神经系统能否被复苏

    16-05-14 A groundbreaking trial to see if it is possible to regenerate the brains of dead people, has won approval from health watchdogs. 探究死者大脑能否重获新生的开创性实验已获卫生监管部门批准可以开展。 A biotech company in the US has been granted ethical...

  • 北京救护车将打表计价

    16-05-02 Ambulances in Beijing will be fitted with taxi-style meters in an effort to allay public concerns about overcharging. 为免公众诟病救护车收费过高,北京救护车将采用类似出租车的打表计价系统。 From May, the emergency vehicles will charge a fixed rate of...

  • 服用阿司匹林能降低20%患癌风险

    16-04-21 Patients receiving cancer treatment could increase their chance of survival by up to 20% and help stop their cancer from spreading by taking a low-dose of aspirin, new research suggests. In a systematic review of the available scientific literature...

  • 人们心中想要的“善终”方法

    16-04-06 In a new study, researchers have revealed the key characteristics of a good death. 在一项新研究中,研究人员揭示了善终的几个关键词。 They focused on the views of the patients themselves; family members - who were quizzed before or during bereavement...

  • 心房颤动术后调节心率与心律有同效

    16-04-05 In the first large randomized trial to directly compare two approaches to preventing a type of abnormal heart rhythm that is the most common complication of heart surgery, the two strategies--controlling heart rate and controlling heart rhythm--perfo...