• Liver Cancer

    14-12-04 There is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment of patients with liver tumors. This contributes to the pessimistic attitude that many have regarding the treatment of liver cancer. Aggressive treatment strategies can cure or significantly prolo...

  • 三阴乳腺癌患者需要接受变异基因测试

    14-12-03 Most patients with triple-negative breast cancer should undergo genetic testing for mutations in known breast cancer predisposition genes, including BRCA1 and BRCA2, a Mayo Clinic-led study has found. The findings come from the largest analysis to d...

  • 医生态度友善对患者治疗不利

    14-11-30 Friendly doctors are 'bad for their patients' health', researchers have warned as a new study revealed two thirds of young medics struggle to be truthful with patients they like. 最新研究表明,医生态度友善反而对患者治疗不利。三分之二的年轻医生很难对...

  • 组合疗法能延长转移性黑色素瘤患者生命

    14-11-06 Among patients with metastatic melanoma, treatment with a combination of the drugs sargramostim plus ipilimumab, compared with ipilimumab alone, resulted in longer overall survival and lower toxicity, but no difference in progression-free survival,...

  • 许多兽医惧怕猫科口腔手术

    14-10-27 A survey published this year found that over 50% of final year veterinary students in the UK do not feel confident either in discussing orodental problems with clients or in performing a detailed examination of the oral cavity of their small animal...

  • 有关退行性疾病的新发现

    14-10-14 Researchers from the University of Melbourne have established how two diseases that present in similar ways are in fact quite different. Progressive Supranuclear palsy (PSP) and Parkinson's Disease (PD) have overlapping symptoms but remain difficult...

  • 人死之后“意识”尚在活动

    14-10-10 There is scientific evidence to suggest that life can continue after death, according to the largest ever medical study carried out on the subject. 医学研究表明,在人死亡之后,生命其实并未停止,灵魂还在活动。 A team based in the UK has spent the las...

  • 利比里亚医生用抗HIV药治疗埃博拉获奇效

    14-09-30 A doctor who was used anti-HIV medication to treat Ebola out of desperation after being inundated with patients, has reported positive results. 利比里亚一医生兵行险着,启用抗HIV药物进行治疗,不料竟获奇效。 Dr Gobee Logan gave the drug lamivudine to...

  • 肺用长笛可使慢性阻塞性肺病患者呼吸顺畅

    14-09-28 Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) report improved symptoms and health status when they use a hand-held respiratory device called the Lung Flute, according to a new study by the University at Buffalo. Usually caused by smokin...

  • 脑部炎症极大地破坏记忆检索网络

    14-09-15 Brain inflammation can rapidly disrupt our ability to retrieve complex memories of similar but distinct experiences, according to UC Irvine neuroscientists Jennifer Czerniawski and John Guzowski. Their study -- which appears today in The Journal of...