• 肾病患者需保持有益心脏健康的生活方式

    13-05-27 Maintaining a heart healthy lifestyle may also help protect chronic kidney disease patients from developing kidney failure and dying prematurely, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrolog...

  • 晒太阳对哮喘病人有益

    13-05-20 The amount of time asthma patients spend soaking up the sun may have an impact on the illness, researchers have suggested. 研究人员建议,哮喘病人晒太阳可能对治疗该病有利。 A team at King's College London said low levels of vitamin D, which is made b...

  • 治愈白发新方法或将出现

    13-05-05 Hair dye manufacturers are on notice: The cure for gray hair is coming. That's right, the need to cover up one of the classic signs of aging with chemical pigments(颜料) will be a thing of the past thanks to a team of European researchers. In a ne...

  • meralgia paresthetica 感觉异常性股痛

    13-04-27 A number of patients in the US have been found suffering from ' meralgia paresthetica ', a disorder that causes symptoms of tingling, numbness and pain in the upper legs, as a result of their trendy clothing choices, such as skinny jeans. 美国有很多...

  • 97%的英国医生对病人使用过安慰剂

    13-03-22 A survey of UK doctors found that 97% have prescribed placebo treatments to patients at least once in their career. Researchers at the Universities of Oxford and Southampton in the UK discovered that 97% of doctors have used 'impure' placebo treatme...

  • 身体肥胖的心脏病患者不易死亡

    13-03-18 Obese cardiac patients are less likely to die than their normal weight counterparts, say researchers. 研究人员称,身体肥胖的心脏病患者比正常体重患者有较小的死亡几率。 This is despite them reporting worse health and being less likely to follow lifest...

  • 病人在全身麻醉手术中醒来的概率极低

    13-03-12 The risk of waking from a general anaesthetic while under the surgeon's knife is extremely small - about one in 15,000 - research reveals. 研究显示,全身麻醉、在医生手术刀下醒来的危险极小,大约1.5万分之一的几率。 Investigators surveyed 82% of the UK...

  • 心肌病患者心肌受损易引发死亡

    13-03-07 Detection of midwall fibrosis(纤维化) (the presence of scar tissue in the middle of the heart muscle wall) via magnetic resonance imaging among patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy(扩张型心肌病) (a condition affecting the heart muscl...

  • 麻醉药如何使大脑失去知觉

    13-03-05 Since the mid-1800s, doctors have used drugs to induce general anesthesia(全身麻醉) in patients undergoing surgery. Despite their widespread use, little is known about how these drugs create such a profound loss of consciousness. In a new study th...

  • 法国允许辅助自杀

    13-02-18 法国医学道德委员会近日通过一项规定,称病人在神志清醒的情况下坚决、反复要求结束生命时,应允许对其施行辅助自杀。由此,法国在安乐死合法化进程中又迈进了一步。 France's medical ethics council moved a step closer to legalizing euthanasia(安乐死) by ruli...