• 长期睾酮治疗可使男性体重腰围下降

    12-06-26 In testosterone(睾丸素) -deficient men, major weight loss was an added benefit of testosterone replacement therapy for most of the patients who participated in a new study. The results will be presented June 23 at The Endocrine Society's 94th Annu...

  • medical disputes 医疗纠纷

    12-06-11 Currently the courts decide medical disputes based on the assessment of appointed health officials. But the assessments seldom indicate who made the conclusion or how it was arrived at, so patients are not convinced. 目前,法院裁决医疗纠纷是根据指定...

  • 新乳腺癌药物能有效抑制肿瘤生长

    12-06-05 A new cancer treatment that links chemotherapy with an agent that homes in on specific breast cancer cells was significantly better than the current drug regimen(养生法,政体) at keeping patients' advanced tumors from progressing, according to res...

  • 《爱情与灵药》一

    12-05-17 精彩对白 Father: Why don't you tell Daddy what a downtown Chicago hospital is really like? Helen: Patient brought in with chills, nausea, ischemia, clearly in shock . Father: Did you do a CBC? Helen: Excuse me, our protocols didn't exist when you we...

  • 阿根廷参议院通过“有尊严死”法案

    12-05-11 The Argentine Senate has approved a dignified death law to give the terminally ill and their families more say in end-of-life decisions. 阿根廷参议院通过一项有尊严地死法案,给予病入膏肓的人和他们的家属关于终结生命方式更多的发言权。 The legislation m...

  • 认知衰退后减少脑部活动能增强记忆

    12-05-11 A study led by a Johns Hopkins neuroscientist and published in the May 10 issue of the journal Neuron suggests a potential new therapeutic approach for improving memory and interrupting disease progression in patients with a form of cognitive impair...

  • 每天服用阿司匹林能降低肠癌死亡率1/3

    12-04-26 Bowel cancer patients who take daily aspirin could cut their chance of dying from the disease by about a third, experts believe. 专家们相信,肠癌患者每天服用阿司匹林能将死亡率降低1/3。 A study in the British Journal of Cancer looked at 4,500 bowel c...

  • 短信联系有助缓解压抑

    12-04-11 Text messaging often gets a bad rap(口碑差) for contributing to illiteracy and high-risk behavior such as reckless driving. But a social welfare professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has found an upside to texting, especially for pe...

  • 膝关节置换术能降低骨关节炎患者死亡率

    12-02-09 New research presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic(整形外科的) Surgeons (AAOS) highlights the benefits of total knee replacement (TKR) in elderly patients with osteoarthritis(骨关节炎) , including a lower pr...

  • 患者对疾病的态度影响治疗效果

    12-01-30 Whenever we fall ill, there are many different factors that come together to influence the course of our illness. Additional medical conditions, stress levels, and social support all have an impact on our health and well-being, especially when we ar...