• 达美乐披萨宣布退出意大利市场

    22-08-22 近日,达美乐披萨宣布退出意大利市...

  • 相对固定的量词搭配——食品

    22-05-26 a scoop of ice cream 一个冰淇淋球 (注意,不可用ball) a slice of pizza 一块披萨 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 a loaf of bread 一个面包 a grain of rice 一粒米 a sack of potatoes 一袋土豆 a cube of sugar 一块方糖 a basket of vegetables 一篮蔬菜 a han...

  • 为什么圆形的披萨要装在方形的纸板盒里

    22-03-28 你可曾好奇过,为什么圆形的披萨要装在方形的纸板盒里呢?装在圆形的披萨盒里不是更严丝合缝吗?本文来为你揭晓答案。 If youre like most people, youre too busy eating pizza to stop and consider the logistics of how it arrived on your kitchen counter. Ponde...

  • Epic. 形容令人深刻的。

    22-01-25 Epic. 形容令人深刻的。 例句: Oh my God! That episode from the Game of Thrones was so epic. 噢,我的天啊...

  • 罗马街头出现披萨自动贩卖机

    21-06-28 最近,一款披萨自动贩卖机出现在罗马街头,食客将现金塞进红色的机器里,三分钟后一张热乎乎香喷喷的披萨就出炉了。 Rome has a new vending machine which slides out freshly cooked pizzas in just three minutes. 罗马出现了一台全新的自动售货机,它能在三分钟内...

  • eat in or take away 堂食或外带

    21-05-08 在英国,去餐厅点完餐后,服务人员经常会问:Eat in or take away? 这句话的意思是:您想在这里吃还是带走? 搭配 eat in 的意思是 在餐厅吃,而 take away 则指 在餐厅买完饭后,带走吃 。 注意:takeaway 是名词,指 外卖的食物。这里 take 和 away 中间没有空格。...

  • 和朋友一起去餐馆

    20-12-13 Kevin: The spaghetti looks really good. 凯文:意大利面看起来真不错。 Alice: It is! I had it the last time I was here. 爱丽丝:是的!我上次来的时候就吃了。 Peter: How is the pizza, Alice? 彼得:比萨饼怎么样,爱丽丝? Alice: Its good, but I think the...

  • 日本餐厅推出棉花糖蜂蜜披萨

    17-04-06 If you thought pineapple was the worst thing to put on a pizza, you were very wrong. A restaurant in Japan is offering pizza topped with cotton candy and seasoned with honey sauce. Sounds devine! 如果你认为菠萝和披萨是最糟糕的搭配,那你就大错特错了...

  • 冰岛总统菠萝馅披萨言论惹争议

    17-03-05 Pineapple-topped pizzas leave the president of Iceland cold. 菠萝馅儿的披萨无法讨得冰岛总统的欢心。 In fact, Guni Th. Jhannesson says if he could, hed pass a law banning pineapple from being used as pizza topping in his country. Jhannesson made the...

  • 纽约餐厅出售24K黄金比萨 售价2000美元

    17-01-07 A New York City restaurant is taking a stab at creating the most decadent pizza on the market with a pie topped in gold flakes, foie gras and even truffles. 纽约的一家餐馆正在尝试制作市面上最腐败的披萨,这种披萨表面覆盖了黄金薄片、鹅肝和松露。 The 2...