• 科学家发现世界最大巨型睡莲品种

    22-07-22 Theyre a marvel of the botanical world giant water lilies dominating the pond in Kew Gardens. 它们是植物界的一个奇迹巨型睡莲布满了邱园的池塘。 But these arent just extraordinary to look at, theyre also a species thats new to science. 但这种巨型睡莲...

  • 丹麦的绿色氢气

    21-11-25 These giants of renewable energy tower over the Danish countryside. Here in Brande, a pioneering project offers what might be a glimpse of the future. 这些用来制造可再生能源的庞然大物矗立在丹麦乡村。在布兰德,一个创新项目让我们瞥见了未来的一种希望。...

  • 冰岛一家工厂采用新除碳技术 将二氧化碳转化为石头

    21-11-10 二氧化碳是气候变化的元凶,除了生活中的碳排放,空气中的二氧化碳也是个棘手的问题。冰岛一家工厂采用了新除碳技术,捕获空气中的二氧化碳并将其转化为石头,这样二氧化碳就无处可逃了! At the foot of an Icelandic volcano, a newly-opened plant is sucking carbo...

  • 生物多样性丧失可能造成 “生态崩溃”

    21-11-01 最新数据显示,英国是世界上自然资源消耗最严重的国家之一,在全球排最差的百分之十,在七国集团(G7)中排在最后。研究发现,英国的生物多样性平均只剩一半,远低于 75%的全球平均水平。 The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat all rely on biodiv...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 8

    21-02-24 Pop Daggett hesitated and glanced uneasily toward the door. I warned yuh, didnt I, the Shoe-Bar was a hoodoo outfit? he evaded. Stratton shook some tobacco into a cigarette-paper and jerked the draw-string with his teeth. Sure you did, but thats not...

  • 北京首钢废弃工厂将打造成城市地标

    19-02-15 The Beijing municipal government has published a plan to transform a vacated industrial site in its western suburb into a city landmark by 2035. 北京市政府公布一份计划,2035年前将西郊一处废弃工厂打造成一座城市地标。 The new area, on the basis of the...

  • 吉利将在武汉工厂生产莲花汽车

    19-01-18 Zhejiang Geely will manufacture cars for the British badge Lotus at a new nine billion yuan (1.3 billion U.S. dollar) plant in Wuhan, according to a report by Reuters. 浙江吉利将在武汉一座价值90亿元(13亿美元)的新工厂里制造英国莲花汽车。 According...

  • 玛氏在天津建宠物食品厂

    19-01-16 Mars Incorporated, a U.S. global manufacturer of confectionery, pet food and other food products, has recently signed an agreement to set up a pet food plant in north Chinas Tianjin, local authorities said Tuesday. 玛氏公司,美国一家全球糖果、宠物食...

  • 中国首座100兆瓦太阳能发电厂与国家电网并网

    18-12-28 Chinas first 100-megawatt solar-thermal power plant successfully connected to the national grid on Thursday. 中国首座100兆瓦太阳能热力发电厂周四与国家电网成功并网。 The plant in Dunhuang City, Gansu Province is powered by 12,000 mirrors that concent...

  • 中国发现侏罗纪早期的花朵化石

    18-12-20 A newly discovered fossilized flower in Chinas Nanjing Province might reshape our current understanding of the evolution of flowers, by pushing back the appearance of flowering plants back as far as the Early Jurassic Period, according to a report b...