• 中法合资核电厂将投入商用

    18-12-14 A third-generation nuclear power unit of a China-France joint venture in south Chinas Guangdong Province has completed all the testing operations and is ready for commercial use. 一座中法合资的第三代核电设备已经完成所有的测试作业,可以立即投入商用。...

  • 云南发现一棵45米高濒危喙核桃树

    18-08-02 A 45-meter-tall endangered Annamocarya sinensis was found in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in southwest Chinas Yunnan Province, according to the local Forest Public Security Bureau. 一棵45米高的濒危喙核桃在云南省文山壮族苗族自治州被...

  • 北京汽车南非产第一辆汽车驶下生产线

    18-07-25 Chinese automaker Beijing Automotive Industry Corporation (BAIC) on Tuesday rolled the first car off production line in its South African plant near the car export hub of Port Elizabeth. 中国汽车制造商北京汽车工业控股公司周二在南非工厂的第一辆汽车驶...

  • 特斯拉将在上海建首座海外工厂

    18-07-11 U.S. carmaker Tesla Inc. will open its first overseas plant in Shanghai, according to an agreement signed between Tesla and Shanghai municipal government on Tuesday. 美国特斯拉汽车周二与上海市政府签署一份协议,根据该协议,特斯拉将在上海建造首座海外...

  • 江淮汽车将在巴西建厂

    17-12-19 Chinas JAC Motors will open its first plant in Brazil with an investment of nearly 200 million reals (61 million U.S. dollars), the company said Monday. 中国江淮汽车将在巴西建造首座工厂,该厂投资大约2亿雷亚尔(6100万美元)。 The plant in the central...

  • 可口可乐华北最大装瓶厂投产使用

    17-12-01 Coca-Colas biggest bottling plant in north China began operating Thursday in Xianghe County of Hebei Province, southeast of Beijing. 可口可乐在华北地区最大的装瓶厂周四开始投入使用,该厂位于河北省香河县。 The plant will produce bottled water, Coke an...

  • 空客在中国建直升机工厂

    17-05-28 Airbus Groups helicopter manufacturing arm began construction of its first assembly line for commercial aircraft in China Saturday. 空客集团直升机制造部门周六在中国开始首条装配线的建设工作。 The plant, located in the city of Qingdao in eastern China...

  • 进化是植物迁移的驱使因素

    16-07-29 New research from the University of British Columbia suggests evolution is a driving mechanism behind plant migration, and that scientists may be underestimating how quickly species can move. The study, published today in the journal Science, builds...

  • 特斯拉在内华达州建设超级电池工厂

    16-07-28 Tesla Motors has unveiled its 5 billion-US Dollar battery gigafactory outside Reno, in Nevada. 特斯拉汽车在内华达州里诺城外投资50亿美元建设一座电池超级工厂。 The company is opening the plant earlier than expected in order to ramp up production of it...

  • 特斯拉否认与中国公司合资在上海建厂

    16-06-22 US-based electric automaker Tesla Motors has clarified that it has not signed a 30 billion yuan (4.5 billion US dollars) joint investment agreement with a Chinese company on building its production facilities in Shanghai. 美国电动汽车生产商特斯拉汽...