• 中国公司将建世界首座潮成泻湖发电站

    15-06-04 A state-owned Chinese company has won the bid to build a six-mile wall for the world's first tidal lagoon power plant in Britain's Swansea Bay. 中国一家国有公司成功夺标,将在英国斯旺西海湾建造一堵六英里长的墙用于建造世界首座潮成泻湖发电站。 Swansea...

  • 土壤养分限制了植物调节气候变化的能力

    15-04-22 Many scientists assume that the growing level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will accelerate plant growth. However, a new study co-written by University of Montana researchers suggests much of this growth will be curtailed by limited soil nutri...

  • 科学家发现控制植物光合作用的开关

    15-04-16 A team of Michigan State University researchers has discovered a switch that regulates plant photosynthesis -- the process that lets plants store solar energy and use it to grow and produce food. Photosynthesis stores energy in two forms that are us...

  • 利用植物油制造聚氨酯

    15-04-16 Researchers have developed a new way to use plant oils like olive and linseed oil to create polyurethane, a plastic material used in everything from foam insulation panels to tires, hoses and sealants. The researchers, led by Michael Kessler, Berry...

  • 福岛核电站利用机器人寻找燃料碎片

    15-04-14 A robot has been sent inside one of the reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. 一个机器人已经被送入日本福岛核电站的一座反应堆中。 Japanese officials are hoping the robot will be able to locate the melted nuclear fuel debris left-over from...

  • 恶性植物真菌影响英国小麦产量

    15-02-27 The spread of exotic and aggressive strains of a plant fungus is presenting a serious threat to wheat production in the UK, according to research published in Genome Biology. The research uses a new surveillance technique that could be applied inter...

  • 孟姜女哭长城

    14-12-18 This story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). There was once an old man named Meng who lived in the southern part of the country with his wife. One spring, Meng sowed a seed of bottle gourd in his yard. The bottle gourd grew up bit by bi...

  • 农作物回归自然状态能养活世界人口?

    14-12-17 To feed the world's growing population--expected to reach nine billion by the year 2050--we will have to find ways to produce more food on less farmland, without causing additional harm to the remaining natural habitat. A feature review, to be publi...

  • 伊利在新西兰开设分厂

    14-11-26 Chinese dairy giant Yili has opened a wholly-owned production plant in Canterbury, New Zealand. 中国乳制品巨头伊利在新西兰坎特伯雷建设了一座全资生产工厂。 The launching ceremony of Yili Oceania Production Base is held in New Zealand on November 25,...

  • 可口可乐推新产品 可口可乐生命

    14-08-29 Coca-Cola has launched its first major new Cola in nearly a decade: Coke Life. It comes in a green can, with a small leaf logo, and promises to be much healthier than standard Coke. 可口可乐公司推出近十年来第一种主要新型产品:可口可乐生命。它包装在...