• We Stand on the Same Starting Point

    16-04-03 We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite... I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious,...

  • 中国科学家发现侏罗纪草本被子植物化石

    16-03-09 Paleobotanists have found fossils of perhaps world's earliest herbaceous angiosperm plant from the mid-Jurassic period (more than 164 million years ago) in north China's Inner Mongolia. 中国古植物学家在内蒙古发现了可能是世界上最早的中侏罗纪时期(1.6...

  • 园艺常用词

    16-02-04 shed 小屋 shrubs 灌木丛 plant pots 花盆 cuttings 插条 rake 耙 hoe 锄 spade 铲 seeds 种子 lawn mower 割草机 bulbs 鳞茎 shears 大剪刀 hose 软管 compost heap 堆肥堆 sprinkler 洒水器 fertilizer 肥料 grass cuttings 碎草屑 dung 粪 weeds 杂草...

  • 雷诺在中国开设首家工厂

    16-02-03 French automaker Renault has opened its first factory in central China's city of Wuhan. 法国汽车生产商雷诺在华中城市武汉开设首家工厂。 The plant will be jointly run with Dongfeng Motor with an initial production capacity of 150 thousand cars per yea...

  • 巴拿马病威胁香蕉生存

    15-12-19 The most popular fruit in the world - bananas - may be about to be wiped out by an invisible killer bug. 一种无形的致死性病菌或许马上就要把香蕉这种世界上最受欢迎的水果赶尽杀绝了。 Panama Disease - which has already destroyed the most popular variety...

  • 22世纪美国春天将早来三周

    15-10-16 Scientists have projected that the onset of spring plant growth will shift by a median of three weeks earlier over the next century, as a result of rising global temperatures. The results, published today (Wednesday 14th October), in the journal Env...

  • 植物如何应对土壤中高浓度的盐分

    15-09-07 High salt in soil dramatically stresses plant biology and reduces the growth and yield of crops. Now researchers have found specific proteins that allow plants to grow better under salt stress, and may help breed future generations of more salt-tole...

  • 未来气候模型将受真菌和细菌的强烈影响

    15-08-31 When a plant dies, its leaves and branches fall to the ground. Decomposition of soil organic matter is then mainly carried out by fungi and bacteria, which convert dead plant materials into carbon dioxide and mineral nutrients. Until now, scientists...

  • 古植物学家发现地球最早的开花植物

    15-08-18 Indiana University paleobotanist David Dilcher and colleagues in Europe have identified a 125 million- to 130 million-year-old freshwater plant as one of earliest flowering plants on Earth. The finding, reported Aug. 17 in the Proceedings of the Nat...

  • 蚯蚓消化系统背后的谜团

    15-08-05 Scientists have discovered how earthworms can digest plant material, such as fallen leaves, that would defeat most other herbivores. Earthworms are responsible for returning the carbon locked inside dead plant material back into the ground. They dra...