• 雨林植物需要应对各种多耐性细菌

    12-02-21 Aggressive infections in hospitals are an increasing health problem worldwide. The development of bacterial resistance is alarming. Now a young Danish scientist has found a natural substance in a Chilean rainforest plant that effectively supports th...

  • 三菱汽车1欧元转让荷兰工厂

    12-02-08 A Mitsubishi Motors boss has offered to sell its Dutch factory for one euro, a day after the Japanese car-maker said it was halting production there. 三菱汽车宣布停止荷兰一座工厂的生产,该厂老板第二天即宣布以一欧元的价格出售其工厂。 As 1,000 workers...

  • 作物耐旱性研究获重大突破

    11-12-20 When a plant encounters drought, it does its best to cope with this stress by activating a set of protein molecules called receptors(受体,感受器) . These receptors, once activated, turn on processes that help the plant survive the stress. A team...

  • 植物靠分子泵传输养料

    11-12-09 Food prices are soaring at the same time as Earth's population is nearing 9 billion. As a result the need for increased crop yields is extremely important. New research led by Carnegie's Wolf Frommer into the system by which sugars are moved through...

  • 日本三位核能源官员被解雇

    11-08-04 Three men in charge of nuclear power safety and policy have been sacked. 日本三位主管核能源安全与政策的官员被解雇。 Japan's Trade and Industry Minister, Banri Kaieda, said the three senior officials would be held responsible for mishandling the plan...

  • 非洲黄冠鼠利用有毒植物抵御捕食者

    11-08-03 Woe to the clueless predator trying to make a meal of the African crested rat, a rodent(啮齿类) that applies poisonous plant toxin to sponge-like hairs on its flanks, a discovery recently made by Jonathan Kingdon and colleagues from the National M...

  • 奥巴马演讲 汽车行业开始复苏

    11-06-11 Hello, everyone. Im speaking to you today from a Chrysler plant in Toledo, Ohio, where I just met with workers, including Jill. Jill was born and raised here. Her mother and step-father retired from this plant. And she met her husband here, and now...

  • Of War and Roses 玫瑰与战争

    11-05-25 He strode the length of the nursery walkway, inhaling the heady(兴奋的) scent. To an untrained eye, the rows of methodically labeled roses might look identical. But Monsieur Francis Meilland knew better. As a rose breeder, he had dedicated his lif...

  • 日本核泄漏事故等级升至7级

    11-04-16 日本经济产业省原子能安全保安院决定将福岛第一核电站核泄漏事故等级由5级提高至7级,这使日本核泄漏事故等级达到国际标准最高级别,与1986年切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏事故等级相同。 Japan's nuclear regulators raised the severity level of the crisis at a stricken...

  • 探秘中药雷公藤的神奇效用

    11-03-04 Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have discovered that a natural product isolated from a traditional Chinese medicinal plant commonly known as thunder god vine(雷公藤) , or lei gong teng, and used for hundreds of years to treat m...