• The Story of the Vizir Who Was Punished 2

    14-08-07 Turn over a few more pages, answered the head. The king went on turning, still putting his finger in his mouth, till the poison in which each page was dipped took effect. His sight failed him, and he fell at the foot of his throne. When the physicia...

  • The Fowler and the Adder

    14-03-10 A fowler went into the woods to shoot a ringdove(斑鸠) with his bow and arrow, when an adder(蝰蛇) that he had trodden upon in the grass, urned and stung him. As the poison spread, and the fowler realized that he was dying, he said: That is true...

  • 绿箭毒蛙会根据形势改变交配鸣叫声

    13-11-12 In the eyes of a female poison-dart frog, a red male isn't much brighter than a green one. This does not however mean that the mating behavior of the green and red variants of the same species of frog is exactly the same. A study in Springer's journ...

  • spreading poison with intent 投毒

    12-09-12 A case in which a boy died after drinking a Coca-Cola strawberry beverage has been determined to be an act of spreading poison with intent , police said on Tuesday. 警方周二称,男孩儿因饮用可口可乐草莓饮料中毒身亡案件系一起人为的投毒案件。 文中的spr...

  • 欧洲胡蜂体色越艳丽 毒性越强

    12-08-21 European paper wasps(胡蜂) (Polistes dominula) advertise the size of their poison glands to potential predators, finds a new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Frontiers in Zoology. The brighter the colour, the larger the pois...

  • Actor Piven cleared in sushi row 演员Piven寿司中毒一事解决

    09-08-29 Actor Jeremy Piven has been cleared in a dispute with Broadway producers after sushi-related mercury poisoning caused him to quit a play. 演员Jeremy Piven与百老汇制片人一场争论结束,此前他曾因为寿司水银中毒事件被迫退出一场戏剧。 Piven said his illne...
