• 佩林私生活被曝光 政治前途毁于一旦

    11-09-25 Sarah Palin could be set to lose both her marriage and her political career after the release of the explosive biography on the Tea Party darling. 茶党女王萨拉佩林或许怎么也没想到,自己的婚姻和政治前途会被一本传记断送,这本书曝光了佩林的诸多丑闻。 T...

  • 政客在新式媒体中的影响力变小

    11-09-09 News coverage of Washington politicians and their rhetoric(修辞) appears to have less influence on the American public compared to other news coverage, according to a study by a Michigan State University political scientist. Instead, citizens are...

  • 日本外交部长前原诚司辞职

    11-03-07 Japan's Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara has resigned after being criticised for accepting a political donation from a foreign national. 日本外交部长前原诚司因接受外国的政治资助受到批评而辞职。 Japanese law bans the practise, if done intentionally(故...

  • 2010年最热门词汇新鲜出炉

    10-11-21 Spillcam and vuvuzela were the top words of 2010, reflecting the global impact of the months-long oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the noisy South African horns at the World Cup soccer tournament, according to a survey released on Sunday. 根据周...

  • 奥巴马演讲 No Corporate Takeover of Our Country

    10-08-24 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address August 21, 2010 As the political season heats up, Americans are already being inundated(淹没) with the usual phone calls, mailings, and TV ads from campaigns all across the country. But this summer,...

  • 澳总理吉拉德推行共和体制

    10-08-22 Australia should move to be a republic when reign of Queen Elizabeth II ends, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said on Tuesday. 澳大利亚总理茱莉娅吉拉德于本周二称,澳大利亚应在英国女王伊丽莎白二世退位后推行共和体制。 Gillard also planned to l...

  • 政协会议:加快经济结构调整

    10-03-06 3月3日下午3点,全国政协十一届三次会议在人民大会堂开幕。全国政协主席贾庆林代表政协第十一届全国委员会常务委员会向大会做了工作报告,指出全国政协将紧紧抓住加快经济发展方式转变这个重点,努力促进经济平稳较快发展。 Accelerating the transformation of its ec...

  • 古巴监狱绝食抗议者奥兰多死亡

    10-02-24 Leading Cuban political prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo has died in hospital after 85 days on hunger strike, opposition sources say. 古巴反对派消息称,政治犯奥兰多萨帕塔塔马约经历85天的绝食抗议之后,日前在医院逝世。 Mr Zapata (second left) was arrest...

  • 智利新总统皮内拉亲自提名内阁成员

    10-02-10 Chile's president-elect Sebastian Pinera has named his cabinet, leaving out any figures linked with the former military ruler, Augusto Pinochet. 智利新当选的总统塞巴斯蒂安皮内拉亲自任命内阁成员,将任何与前军队统治者奥古斯托皮诺切特有关联的人物统统排...

  • 日本小泽一郎:不会因资金丑闻而辞职

    10-01-18 A leading figure in Japan's governing party, Ichiro Ozawa, says he will not resign despite a growing scandal over political funding. 日本统治党领袖人物小泽一郎称,自己不会因政治资金丑闻而辞职。 Ichiro Ozawa, whose father was an MP, is a political ve...