• Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 51

    16-05-05 The events narrated in the last chapter were yet but two days old, when Oliver found himself, at three oclock in the afternoon, in a travelling-carriage rolling fast towards his native town. Mrs. Maylie, and Rose, and Mrs. Bedwin, and the good docto...

  • On Achievements and Dreams

    16-04-03 It sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents. We feel free when we escape - even if it be but from the frying pan to the fire. There would be no society if living together depended upon understan...

  • 2017中国将推广电价改革

    16-03-29 China will expand its power pricing reform nationwide in 2017, an official said Tuesday. 中国一位官员周二表示,中国将于2017年在全国范围内推广电价改革。 The power transmission and distribution pricing system reform will be pushed forward for all powe...

  • 更轻更小更便宜的高频变压器

    16-03-27 A Sandia-led team has developed a way to make a magnetic material that could lead to lighter and smaller, cheaper and better-performing high-frequency transformers, needed for more flexible energy storage systems and widespread adoption of renewable...

  • 2月中国电量消耗年同比增长4%

    16-03-17 Official figures show China's power consumption rose 4 percent year on year in February, reaching over 380 billion kilowatt hours (kwh). 官方数据显示,2月份中国电量消耗年同比增长4%,达到3800亿千瓦时。 The same month last year saw a decline of over 6...

  • 打造可以呼吸的活体超级计算机

    16-02-28 The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may also be able to power the next generation of supercomputers. That is what an international team of researchers led by Prof. Nicolau, the Chair of th...

  • 音乐情感能量视觉化

    16-02-24 Musical styles and genres differ around the world, but the emotional power of music is universally felt. To understand this evocative force, researchers in many fields, including information science, neural perception, and signal processing, investi...

  • 中华人民共和国审计法 7

    16-02-03 第四十五条 对被审计单位违反国家规定的财务收支行为,审计机关、人民政府或者有关主管部门在法定职权范围内,依照法律、行政法规的规定,责令限期缴纳应当上缴的收入,限期退还违法所得,限期退还被侵占的国有资产,以及采取其他纠正措施,并可依法给予处罚。 Article...

  • 中华人民共和国审计法 6

    16-02-03 第三十八条 审计人员通过审查会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表,查阅与审计事项有关的文件、资料,检查现金、实物、有价证券,向有关单位和个人调查等方式进行审计,并取得证明材料。 Article 38 Auditors shall conduct audit and obtain testimonial material by means...

  • 中华人民共和国审计法 5

    16-02-03 第四章 审计机关权限 CHAPTER IV LIMITS OF AUTHORITY OF AUDIT INSTITUTIONS 第三十一条 审计机关有权要求被审计单位按照规定报送预算或者财务收支计划、预算执行情况、决算、财务报告,社会审计机构出具的审计报告,以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关的资料,被审...