• 太阳能电池易导致铅污染

    11-09-01 Solar power is not all sunshine. It has a dark side -- particularly in developing countries, according to a new study by a University of Tennessee, Knoxville, engineering professor. A study by Chris Cherry, assistant professor in civil and environme...

  • power handover ceremony 权力交接仪式

    11-09-01 The Special Envoy of the Chinese government, Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei will attend the power handover ceremony of Uruguay President on March 1, at the invitation of the government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. 应乌拉圭东岸共和国政...

  • 塞内加尔民众抗议电力短缺

    11-06-28 Protests have broken out in the Senegalese capital Dakar and in the southern city of Mbour over continuing power shortages. 连续不断的电力短缺造成塞内加尔首都达喀尔以及南部城市姆布尔爆发大规模抗议活动。 In Dakar, several government buildings were se...

  • 乌克兰前总理因滥用职权受审

    11-06-24 Ukraine's former prime minister and heroine of the 2004 Orange Revolution Yulia Tymoshenko has gone on trial in Kiev for abuse of power. 乌克兰前总理、领导2004年橙色革命运动的女英雄尤利娅季莫申科因滥用职权在基辅接受审查。 Ms Tymoshenko has dismissed...

  • 新型太阳能电池板更高效

    11-05-02 High-performance nanotech materials arrayed on a flat panel platform demonstrated seven to eight times higher efficiency than previous solar thermoelectric generators, opening up solar-thermal electric power conversion to a broad range of residentia...

  • 梅德韦杰夫呼吁建立核电安全标准

    11-04-27 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has called for new international rules covering safety at nuclear plants. 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫呼吁对核电站安全建立国际标准。 Mr Medvedev made his first visit to Chernobyl for Tuesdays commemoration Such rules would...

  • 尼日尔军政府向总统移交政权

    11-04-08 Niger's junta has officially handed over to newly elected President Mahamadou Issoufou - 14 months after seizing power. 尼日尔军政府已正式向新当选的总统马哈马杜伊素福移交政权该团体掌权已达14个月。 It was third time lucky for Niger opposition leader...

  • 奥巴马演讲 关于绿色车队行动的讲话3

    11-04-03 And one of the things that I heard repeatedly, and some of the folks who are already driving some of these cars will tell you that -- or these trucks -- will tell you, and that is making sure that weve got stations, charging stations, if were talkin...

  • 日本工程师成功连接核反应堆

    11-03-18 Engineers at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant have managed to lay a cable to reactor 2, the UN's nuclear watchdog reports. 据联合国核监督机构报告,日本福岛核电站的工程师已设法用电缆连接上2号反应堆。 Restoring power should enable engine...

  • 德国暂时关闭七座核电站

    11-03-16 Germany has temporarily shut down seven of its nuclear power plants while it reconsiders its nuclear strategy. 德国暂停七座核电站的运行,将重新考虑其核策略。 Germany had decided to prolong the life of its nuclear power plants Chancellor Angela Merke...