• 爱德华·菲利普被任命为法国新总理

    17-05-16 Frances new President Emmanuel Macron on Monday appointed Edouard Philippe as prime minister, announced Alexis Kohler, French presidents secretary general. 法国新任总统马克龙周一任命爱德华菲利普为总理,亚丽克西斯科勒为总统秘书长。 The appointment ca...

  • 马克龙宣誓担任法国总统

    17-05-15 Centrist Emmanuel Macron was sworn in as the eighth president of the French Fifth Republic in a ceremony at the Elysee Palace on Sunday. 法国中立派议员伊曼纽尔马克龙周日在爱丽舍宫宣誓就职法国第八任总统。 After a warm welcome from outgoing President...

  • cabin fever 幽居病

    17-05-12 Donald Trump is reportedly experiencing cabin fever after his first month in the White House. 据报道,特朗普在白宫住了一个月后,患上了幽居病。 The President is apparently getting headaches and feeling frustrated that he cannot spend evenings dining...

  • 特朗普邀文在寅访问白宫

    17-05-11 U.S. President Donald Trump invited newly-elected South Korean President Moon Jae-in to visit Washington at an early date and Moon accepted the invitation, the White House said Wednesday. 美国总统特朗普邀请新当选的韩国总统文在寅到华盛顿访问,文在寅...

  • 文在寅:在合适的时机将会访问朝鲜

    17-05-10 President Moon Jae-in of South Korea said Wednesday he will visit Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), under right conditions. 韩国总统文在寅周三表示在合适的时机他将会访问朝鲜首都平壤。 Moon was sworn in as the coun...

  • 特朗普创执政百天支持率的最低纪录

    17-05-06 A pair of polls released Sunday showed President Donald Trump approaching his 100th day in office with the lowest level of support any modern president. 上周日公布的两份民意调查显示,美国总统唐纳德特朗普创下了美国现代历任总统执政百天支持率的最低纪录...

  • 朴槿惠被控犯下多项腐败问题

    17-04-18 South Korean prosecutors on Monday indicted former President Park Geun-hye on multiple corruption charges including bribery and abuse of power. 韩国检察机关周一起诉前总统朴槿惠犯下收贿以及滥用权力等多项腐败问题。 Park was accused of taking a total o...

  • 中国领导人向埃及总统致电哀悼

    17-04-11 Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent a message of condolences to his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah el-Sisi after Sundays terrorist attacks in the two Egyptian cities of Tanta and Alexandria. 中国国家主席习近平向埃及总统塞西致电慰问,上周日在埃...

  • 直截了当的说话方式似乎是特朗普的制胜法宝

    17-03-16 Like no President before him, Donald Trump has threatened to change forever the way in which politics is done. 在特朗普之前,从没有一个总统能像他那样威胁到政治方式,使其从此发生改变。 His barnstorming speeches and Twitter tirades frequently grab col...

  • 特朗普将不参加4.29白宫记者协会晚宴

    17-03-06 US President Donald Trump has announced he will not attend the White House Correspondents Association dinner on 29 April. 美国总统唐纳德特朗普宣布将不会参加4月29日的白宫记者协会晚宴。 The glitzy event draws celebrities, journalists and politicians,...