• 2016年英剧美剧良心之作

    17-02-06 American Crime Story: The People v OJ Simpson There are few truly unifying events in American life. When something happens that makes the entire country stop and take notice, the Americans remember it forever. Everybody remembers where they were whe...

  • 特朗普将椭圆办公室打造地金光闪闪

    17-01-25 Within hours of being sworn in as president of the United States on Friday, Donald Trump immediately started making decorative changes to the White House. 20日,特朗普在宣誓就任美国总统几个小时之后,便立即开始改变白宫的装修。 The Oval Office was red...

  • 阿达玛·巴罗宣誓就职冈比亚总统

    17-01-20 Adama Barrow was sworn in as Gambian president on Thursday at the Gambian embassy in Dakar, capital of Senegal. 本周四,阿达玛巴罗在塞内加尔首都达喀尔的大使馆宣誓担任冈比亚总统。 Barrow, who officially became the third head of state of his country,...

  • 习近平:2022冬奥会将会是卓越的

    17-01-19 Chinese President Xi Jinping has pledged to prepare and host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in a green, sharing, open and corruption-free manner, saying the event will be remarkable, extraordinary and excellent. 中国国家主席习近平承诺将以绿色、分享、...

  • 特朗普就职典礼似乎没有大明星撑场子

    16-12-28 Facing a dearth of musicians willing to align themselves with him, President-elect Donald Trump seems to have made the move many expected and tried to style out not having a big performance at his inauguration and make it seem intentional. 在没有音...

  • 美国媒体:特朗普正式获得270张选票

    16-12-20 U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has officially won the 270 electoral votes that ensure he becomes Americas next president. 美国候任总统唐纳德特朗普正式赢得270张选举人票数,确保了他成为下一任总统。 With Hawaii still to vote, Trump had 304 votes and...

  • 《时代》周刊2016年度人物 特朗普

    16-12-10 Time magazine has named Donald Trump its Person of the Year - calling him President of the Divided States of America. 特朗普当...

  • 字典网2016年度词汇xenophobia

    16-12-08 There were a lot of surprises to come out of 2016, but xenophobia being named Dictionary.coms Word of the Year is not one of them. 2016年意外连连,但仇外情绪被评为Dictionary.com年度词汇却在预料之中。 When you consider the rhetoric that galvanized pe...

  • 美教授预言:特朗普将被弹劾

    16-11-30 A US-based professor, who was among the few prognosticators who had predicted Donald Trumps victory, has made another stunning prediction that he will be eventually impeached by a Republican Congress and replaced by a leader who can be trusted and c...

  • 《新闻周刊》被迫召回“希拉里总统”特刊

    16-11-22 Everyone from pollsters to pundits got the result of the US presidential election wrong. 所有的民调机构和权威专家对美国总统选举的结果预测都是错误的。 But few can have made it in such an expensive manner. Newsweek and a partner that prints up special...