• 西班牙塞维利亚对热浪进行命名和分级

    22-07-01 近年来全球热浪天气越来越频繁,气温屡创新高,为了保护居民安全,西班牙南部城市塞维利亚将率先对热浪进行命名和分级,并针对不同级别采取相关应对措施。 The southern Spanish city of Seville is to become the first in the world to name and classify heatwaves...

  • 老外常用的10个潮词

    22-06-07 1. meh: 还行,一般,相当于shrug的口语版(可自行脑补老外耸肩的动作) The film was a bit meh. 这片儿一般吧。 2. lookalike: 山寨明星脸(这种相似可以是天生的,也可以是通过装扮达到的) Have you seen the Prince William and Kate Middleton lookalikes over t...

  • on the back burner 暂时搁置

    22-03-30 表达 on the back burner 用来谈论一件因不紧急,故被推迟或改期再做的计划或事情。它常与动词 put 搭配使用,组成 put something on the back burner,表示 把某件事情放在次要位置。 例句 That old project is on the back burner at the moment as our boss told us...

  • the ball is in someone's court 就看此人的决定

    22-03-30 表达 the ball is in someones court(球在某人那边的球场上) 的意思是 因为已经尽了最大努力,所以现在轮到此人对这件事情做出决定或采取行动。 据说,这个表达源自网球运动,描述此刻轮到对手发球或回球,因为网球在对方的场地上,所以此时能左右比赛局势的是对手。...

  • get a move on 赶紧的,快点

    22-02-23 在口语会话中,人们常用表达 get a move on 来催促某人加快速度,以更快的方式做事,也就是 赶紧的,快点。由于这是非正式表达,而且口气较直接,所以需要注意使用的对象和场合。 例句 You need to work harder on this project. Can you get a move on so we can both...

  • Alice is heading up the new initiative. Alice是新项目的负责

    22-02-22 1、Please hold off on starting the project until its approved. 请等待批准后再开始项目。 Hold off on doing something的意思是拖延,等待。 这个动词短语后面常常会和until搭配使用,意指你得等到另一件事发生,才能去做某件事。 2、Im not sure where that file...

  • beat the clock 争分夺秒,赶着点完成任务

    22-01-22 短语 beat the clock 的意思是 争分夺秒地快速完成某项任务 或 赶在截止时间前完成某件事情。 例句 Weve got to beat the clock and get this project delivered by the end of the day. 我们得争分夺秒,赶在今天结束前交付这个项目。 Im trying to beat the clock an...

  • stick your oar in 插手管闲事

    22-01-04 如果你 stick your oar into something, 意思就是没有得到别人的允许或者邀请就自以为是的发表意见,插手管闲事儿。 例句 I was managing the project well until the boss came along and stuck his oar in! Were keeping the plans for the party a secret otherwise...

  • fan the flames 煽风点火

    21-12-09 表达 fan the flame 的意思是故意煽动、怂恿他人,火上浇油,使已经令人不快的情绪或紧张局势变得更糟。 例句 Dont fan the flames - the situation is already bad enough. Such behaviours are only fanning the flames. The speech seemed to have fanned the flame...

  • to be on the same wavelength 意气相投

    21-12-06 这个表达源于广播术语,意思是两人或多人观点相投、合得来。其中单词 wavelength 指电台播送节目时使用的波段或频道,人们只有处于同一波段才能通讯、联络。 例句 Finally I think were on the same wavelength and we should be able to work together to complete th...