• Sichuan-Tibet Railway 川藏铁路

    20-11-13 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日对川藏铁路(雅安至林芝段)开工建设作出重要指示指出,要高质量推进川藏铁路工程建设。 President Xi Jinping has called for efforts to advance the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway project with high...

  • 中国帮助巴布亚新几内亚促进农业发展

    19-08-21 China launched a new project in Papua New Guinea (PNG) on Tuesday to help the South Pacific nation further promote its agricultural development. 本周二,中国在巴布亚新几内亚启动一项新项目,帮助当地农民推动农业发展。 A new demonstration base will be...

  • 圆明园启动“修复1860”项目

    19-05-13 Beijings Yuanmingyuan, also known as the Old Summer Palace, has kicked off its Restoration 1860 project. 北京圆明园,即圆明园遗址,已启动修复1860项目。 This project is to restore the cultural relics unearthed in Yuanmingyuan and it is open to public...

  • 国家电网在巴西建成世界最长输变电工程

    19-04-16 Chinese state power provider, State Grid, has completed a major power grid project in Brazil, delivering hydropower from the Amazon in the north down to the countrys economic centers in the south, creating thousands of job opportunities for local co...

  • 世界上第一座铁桥重新恢复深红棕色

    19-01-08 The worlds first iron bridge, spanning a gorge in an English county, was re-opened Monday night after a 4.6-million dollar restoration project. 世界上第一座铁桥,英国的伊尔福德桥,经过耗资460万美元的修复工程后于周一晚间重新向公众开放。 The iconic Ir...

  • 世界首艘天然气破冰船在广州下水

    18-12-05 The worlds first liquid natural gas (LNG) carrier designed to traverse the worlds icy northern polar region was launched on Tuesday by Guangzhou Shipyard International Co. Ltd. for Dynacom of Greece. 世界第一艘用于穿越北极的液化天然气运输船周二下水...

  • 中国公司承建阿根廷水电站工程

    18-11-29 The Santa Cruz hydroelectric power station in Argentina, which is being built by companies from China, is the worlds southernmost hydropower project. 由中国公司承建的阿根廷圣克鲁斯水电站是世界上最南端的水电工程。 During a visit to Argentina by China...

  • 福建将向台湾金门输送淡水

    18-08-06 A water pipeline connecting Chinese mainland coastal province of Fujian to Kinmen went into operation on Sunday, delivering water from Fujians Jinjiang River to alleviate water shortages in Kinmen. 一条连接中国大陆福建省与金门的输水管线周日开始动工...

  • 中国-马尔代夫友谊桥完工

    18-07-10 Construction work on the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge is now complete, reports China Plus. 中国-马尔代夫友谊桥的建设工作已完工。 Part of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese-financed project was officially launched during Chinese President...

  • 中国完成世界最长跨海大桥

    18-01-11 China has reported that it has completed the major work necessary before the official opening of the longest sea bridge in the world. 世界上最长的跨海大桥必要主体工程已经完工。 The bridge has had its lighting system installed and tested, completing...