• 《超能陆战队》第28章

    23-01-29 On a wind turbine overlooking San Fransokyo Bay, six friends who happened to be superheroes looked down on the city they were committed to protect. We didnt set out to be superheroes. But sometimes life doesnt go the way you planned, Hiro said. The...

  • 《沉睡魔咒》第15章

    23-01-28 Filled with regret, Maleficent spent the next day sitting listlessly by the Wall. The thought of seeing Auroras innocent face that evening was heart-wrenching. She felt this new, intense need to protect the girl from the ugliness of the world, but i...

  • 中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法 3

    22-11-17 第三十一条 消费者协会和其他消费者组织是依法成立的对商品和服务进行社会监督的保护消费者合法权益的社会团体。 Article 31 Consumer associations and other consumer organizations shall be social organizations that are established in accordance with the law...

  • 面部识别

    21-03-16 Is technology going too far? I think much of it is now used to keep an eye on our every movement and to listen in on our every thought. The other day I walked into a shop and was faced by a TV screen enticing me with details of a special promotion f...

  • 英国将禁用塑料吸管

    18-10-24 Plans to ban the distribution and sale of plastic drinking straws, drinks stirrers and cotton buds were laid out Monday by the British government. 本周一,英国政府推出禁止配销塑料吸管、饮料搅拌器和塑料棉签的计划。 Environment Secretary Michael Gove...

  • 沙滩漫步的完美选择 Nakefit隔热橡胶鞋底

    17-07-03 Beach lovers rejoice - you can now enjoy a stroll along the beach without burning your feet on the scorching hot sand. 沙滩爱好者们可以欢庆了,你们现在可以漫步在沙滩上,且不必忍受滚烫的沙子灼伤脚底的感觉。 An Italian company has created stick-on sol...

  • 如何提防战斗狂型的同事

    16-10-27 Who They Are: Conflict junkies are a combination of all the other types described, grafted into the most toxic and hostile contagion to ever poison the workplace. If Ebola was a personality type, it would be a conflict junkie. How to Identify Them:...

  • 如何提防以自我为中心型的同事

    16-10-27 Who They Are: Headliner colleagues have egos that are guaranteed to aggravate. They are arrogant status seekers convinced that everyone envies them. How to Identify Them: The headliners are always interrupting at meetings and hijacking conversations...