• 秘鲁政府被敦促调查抗议者之死

    10-04-07 Human Rights Watch has urged the Peruvian government to conduct a full investigation into the deaths of six civilians during a demonstration. 人权观察组织敦促秘鲁政府对某次游行过程中6位平民之死展开深入调查。 Six protesters died during Sunday's clash...

  • 泰国总理与红衫运动代表展开磋商

    10-03-29 Face-to-face talks between the Thai PM and protesters who want his resignation and new elections have been adjourned, with a new round due on Monday. 泰国总理与要求其下台并重新选举的红衫运动反对者代表之间新一轮的面对面会谈已被推迟至星期一。 A spokes...

  • 约旦河西岸犹太定居者抗议暂停房屋审批

    09-12-10 Thousands of Jewish settlers and their supporters have staged a rally in Jerusalem in protest at a curb on settlement building in the West Bank. 成千上万的犹太人定居者以及他们的支持者在耶路撒冷举行机会抗议对约旦河西岸定居点的限制。 Demonstrators gat...

  • Bon Jovi supports Cobain protest Bon Jovi支持Cobain的抗议

    09-09-18 Rocker Jon Bon Jovi says he understands why Nirvana's former members protested over the use of Kurt Cobain's image in video game Guitar Hero 5. 摇滚歌手Jon Bon Jovi称,他理解为什么涅盘乐队前成员抗议在电脑游戏Guitar Hero 5使用Kurt Cobain的形象。 Bon...

  • Protests over Obama health reform 奥巴马医疗改革遭抗议

    09-09-13 Tens of thousands of people have marched from the White House to Capitol Hill in Washington to protest against Barack Obama's healthcare reforms. 华盛顿成千上万人在白宫与国会山之间游行抗议奥巴马的医疗改革。 Mr Obama said he will not allow special in...

  • Protests over Slovak language law 斯洛伐克新语言法遭抗议

    09-09-02 Thousands of ethnic Hungarians have demonstrated in Slovakia, to protest against a new law that limits the use of minority languages there. 数千匈牙利族人在斯洛伐克举行示威,抗议限制少数民族语言的一项新法律。 The law against minority languages in Sl...

  • Thai protesters gather in Bangkok 泰国示威者聚集曼谷

    09-08-17 Thousands of political demonstrators have gathered in Bangkok in the first mass action since the violence that erupted in the city in April. 成千上万的示威者聚集到曼谷,这是四月暴力事件以来首次群众活动。 Red-shirted supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra...

  • Widows protest marriage incentive 尼泊尔寡妇游行 抗议婚姻激

    09-08-16 A woman sits inside her house in Kathmandu March 19, 2009. About 200 women marched through the Nepali capital Monday to denounce a government scheme to pay cash incentives to men for marrying widows, witnesses said. Nepal announced a plan last month...

  • South Africa discontent spreads 更多南非居民不满现状

    09-07-23 Violence in South Africa's townships has spread as residents protest about what they say is a lack of basic services, such as water and housing. 南非镇区的暴力事件已经扩大到居民因缺乏诸如供水、房屋等基础服务的反抗。 Police have fired rubber bullets...

  • Arrests at new Iranian protests 伊朗反抗者遭逮捕

    09-07-22 Iranian riot police are reported to have arrested a number of pro-reform protesters in Tehran after demonstrations turned violent. 据报道,伊朗防暴警察逮捕了德黑兰一批具有暴力倾向的尚未武装的反抗者。 Mousavi supporters have used mobile phones to arr...