• best loved one 心头肉

    22-09-23 心头肉,比喻一个人最重要的最难以割舍的部分,通常是说某人(或某物)在某人的心目中占据着很重要的位置,英文可以翻译为best loved one,favorite。 与英文习语the apple of somebodys eye意思相近,表示the person who someone loves most and is very proud of。...

  • do someone proud 因某事做得出色使得别人为你骄傲

    22-05-10 Do someone proud definition: do something so well that another person is proud of you 定义:因某事做得出色使得别人为你骄傲。 David did his father proud throughout his successful life. 大卫为他父亲成功的一生而感到骄傲。 I think youll do your family p...

  • 在为自己感到骄傲之前 请不要停下

    22-04-19 Just because you arent making progress as fast as you think you should does not mean you arent making progress. Keep going. 你进步的速度没有自己想象的快,并不意味着你没有进步。继续前进。 Dont stop until you are proud. 在为自己感到骄傲之前,不要停下...

  • humblebrag 凡尔赛文学

    20-12-07 与humblebrag(谦虚自夸)意思相近,这个单词表示make an ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement with the actual intention of drawing attention to something of which one is proud(表面上谦虚自嘲,实际上是为了炫耀某人引以为豪的事情)。 例句: 他...

  • self-satisfied 扬扬得意

    20-10-10 扬扬得意,或得意洋洋,汉语成语,形容十分得意的样子,含贬义。可以翻译为be immensely proud;self-satisfied;be inflated with pride。 例句: 她一副扬扬得意的样子。 She had a self-satisfied smirk on her face. 他扬扬得意,觉得自己的一番努力立竿见影,效果...

  • Powerful 强大类情绪

    16-07-07 初级词汇 faithful(忠诚的), important(重要的), appreciated(受赞赏的), respected(受尊敬的), proud(自豪的), aware(警觉的) 高级词汇 confident(有信心的), discerning(有洞察力的), valueable(有价值的), worthwhile(值得的), successful(成...

  • 《等到永远》一

    12-12-17 精彩对白 Joe: I'm gonna be frank with you. This is such an easy to operate oven that I let my son operate it. Joe's wife: Joe, this is fantastic! Joe: This is a three-year-old... Joe's wife: I'm so proud of you. I mean, it's been long enough. Joe: H...

  • 承诺来之不易

    12-12-04 I should have known all along there was something wrong I just never read between the lines Then I woke up one day and found you on your way Leaving nothing but my heart behind What can I do to make it up to you Promises don't come easy But tell me...

  • 翻译辨误11

    12-10-31 Aunt Mary is getting worse; she is forgetting faces nowadays. 正确译法:玛丽姑妈的情况(病情)更糟了,如今连人都认不得了。 原译(错译):玛丽姑妈越来越糟,现在都记不住人家的脸了。 解析:这样的翻译充其量勉强及格,虽然能猜出意思,但翻译腔太重。前半句i...
