• 南非总统祖玛庆祝75岁生日

    17-04-13 South African President Jacob Zuma celebrated his 75th birthday on Wednesday with a pledge to win the fight against racism. 南非总统雅各布祖玛周三庆祝了他的75岁生日,他承诺将赢得反种族主义的胜利。 We remain committed to building a non-racial society...

  • 种族歧视可能导致肥胖

    14-03-21 一项研究指出,非裔美国妇女肥胖率高与种族歧视的言论和态度有关。研究称,遭受种族歧视会造成严重的心理压力,从而导致肥胖。研究表明,经常承受压力会导致重要的神经内分泌功能失调,进而引发体内多余脂肪的储存。 For African-American women, being the target of...

  • 奥普拉·温弗瑞:种族歧视仍然存在

    13-11-22 The media mogul spoke to the BBC about the racism of the past that still exists today and how no one is above it. 'There's a level of disrespect for the office that occurs ... because he's African American,' she said of Obama. 美国著名主持人奥普拉温...

  • 奥普拉·温弗瑞在瑞士遭种族歧视

    13-08-09 US talk show host Oprah Winfrey says she was the victim of racism during a recent visit to Switzerland. 美国脱口秀主持人奥普拉温弗瑞称,近期她的瑞士之旅中遭到种族歧视。 She said an assistant refused to serve her in an upmarket handbag shop in Zurich...

  • 少数民族儿童易遭受歧视引发情绪低落

    10-05-03 Minority children often encounter racism(种族歧视) in their daily lives, and those who experience discrimination more often have more symptoms of depression, according to a study to be presented Sunday, May 2 at the Pediatric(小儿科的) Academic...

  • Forsyth says 'Du Beke was wrong' Forsyth称“Du Beke错了”

    09-10-09 Anton Du Beke has apologised to dance partner Laila Rouass Bruce Forsyth has stressed he does not excuse or condone racism after an interview in which he said the Strictly race row was being taken too seriously. Forsyth told Talksport radio people s...

  • White House rejects racism claim 白宫否决种族偏见言论

    09-09-17 US President Barack Obama does not believe current criticism of his policies is based on the colour of his skin, the White House has said. 白宫发言人称,美国总统奥巴马不承认关于他的政策是基于他的种族的评论。 Barack Obama has been met with angry prot...
