• 现实中的配偶与理想形象相去甚远

    10-10-04 Our ideal image of the perfect partner differs greatly from our real-life partner, according to new research from the University of Sheffield and the University of Montpellier in France. The research found that our actual partners are of a different...

  • 青少年保姆有能力处理紧急状况吗?

    10-10-04 Nearly all (98 percent) of 11- to 13-year-old babysitters(临时保姆) know who to contact in the event of(发生) an intruder(侵入者,干扰者) or if a child is sick or injured (96 percent) or poisoned (85 percent), according to research presented S...

  • 史前化石基因中发现乙肝病毒

    10-09-29 Biologists from The University of Texas at Arlington have uncovered virus fragments(碎片,片段) from the same family of the modern Hepatitis B(乙型肝炎) virus locked inside the genomes of songbirds(黄莺) such as the modern-day zebra finch(斑...

  • 电脑模型预测美国人易受抗药性结核病伤害

    10-09-28 While the U.S. has made great progress in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis(肺结核) , the nation has become more susceptible to potential epidemics of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), according a study led by Johns Hopkins res...

  • 婴儿潮时期出生的中年人自杀率较高

    10-09-28 Baby boomers appear to be driving a dramatic rise in suicide rates among middle-aged people, a new study finds. The suicide rate for middle-aged people a group considered relatively protected from suicide and with historically stable suicide rates t...

  • 利用光遗传学模拟肌肉运动

    10-09-27 Researchers at Stanford University were able to use light to induce(诱导,引诱) normal patterns of muscle contraction, in a study involving bioengineered mice whose nerve-cell surfaces are coated with special light-sensitive proteins. The new appr...

  • 可抑制口腔微生物的分子被发现

    10-09-26 A University of Oklahoma research team has uncovered a key to arresting the growth of thrush(画眉,鹅口疮) a type of oral yeast(酵母) infection that sickens patients with compromised immune systems, diabetes and newborns as well as healthy indiv...

  • 枯萎的花瓣可保护种子的成熟

    10-09-25 Contrary to a thousand face cream(面霜,雪花膏) adverts, the secret of fertility might not be eternal(永恒的,不朽的) youth. Research by the ecologist Dr. Carlos Herrera, a Professor of Research at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientfi...

  • 手掌握力大小可能与寿命长短有关

    10-09-25 A firm handshake could be a sign of a longer life expectancy, according to British researchers. 英国研究人员称,握手有力可能意味着更长的寿命。 A firm handshake could be a sign of a longer life expectancy, according to British researchers. Scientists...

  • 都市生活可使人体对肺结核产生免疫性

    10-09-24 New research has found that a genetic variant which reduces the chance of contracting diseases such as tuberculosis(肺结核) and leprosy(麻风病) is more prevalent in populations with long histories of urban living. The research, published in the...