• 污泥转化为电力实验取得成功

    10-09-24 Like the little engine that could, the University of Nevada, Reno experiment to transform wastewater sludge(烂泥,泥泞) to electrical power is chugging along, dwarfed by the million-gallon tanks, pipes and pumps at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclam...

  • 揭密海底山脉生物的神秘之处

    10-09-21 They challenge the mountain ranges of the Alps, the Andes and the Himalayas in size yet surprisingly little is known about seamounts, the vast mountains hidden under the world's oceans. Now in a special issue of Marine Ecology scientists uncover the...

  • 基因如何影响消费者选择

    10-09-21 Clues to consumer behavior may be lurking(潜伏) our genes, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. We examine a wide range of consumer judgment and decision-making phenomenon and discover that manythough not all of themare in...

  • 腐败细菌可清理废水中的染料

    10-09-19 This press relase is available in Spanish. Spoilage(损坏,糟蹋) bacteria that can cause red coloration of pickles' skin during fermentation(发酵) may actually help clean up dyes(染料) in textile industry wastewater, according to a U.S. Departm...

  • 评估有机太阳能电池的环境影响

    10-09-19 Solar energy could be a central alternative to petroleum-based energy production. However, current solar-cell technology often does not produce the same energy yield(能量输出) and is more expensive to mass-produce. In addition, information on the...

  • 研究有助检测肝损伤

    10-09-19 17 September 2010: Research at the University of Liverpool could lead to faster and more accurate diagnoses of liver damage. The team used paracetamol(扑热息痛) as the basis for the study: research indicates that paracetamol can place temporary st...

  • 研究:开始新恋情将失去两位好友

    10-09-18 Ever found yourself dumped by a friend embarking on a romance? Don't worry, you're probably not the only one. For according to Oxford University scientists, every time we start a relationship we jettison two of our closest friends. 你是否曾发现自己...

  • 冰川可使高纬度山脉长高

    10-09-16 Glaciers can help actively growing mountains become higher by protecting them from erosion, according to a University of Arizona-led research team. The finding is contrary to the conventional view of glaciers as powerful agents of erosion that carve...

  • 微型飞行器可用于探测环境危害

    10-09-16 Air Force Office of Scientific Research- sponsored(赞助,发起) researcher, Dr. Robert Wood of Harvard University is leading the way in what could become the next phase of high-performance micro air vehicles for the Air Force. His basic research is...

  • 新研究可帮助鉴别智利地震人类遗体

    10-09-15 New research from North Carolina State University will help medical examiners(验尸员,体检医生) and others identify human remains of those killed during the recent earthquake in Chile, as well as the bodies of the disappeared who were killed durin...