• 过时的伐木方式导致高水土流失

    10-10-20 Clear-cut logging and related road-building in the 1950s and 1960s in southern Oregon's Siskiyou Mountains disrupted(破坏,分裂) soil stability and led to unprecedented soil erosion made worse during heavy rainstorms, report University of Oregon r...

  • 今年可能爆发第三波甲型H1N1流感

    10-10-19 Analysis of H1N1 antibody levels (seroprotection rates) after the 2009 pandemic suggest that a third wave is unlikely in 2010, although adults over age 50, particularly those with chronic(慢性的,长期的) conditions, should be immunized for the fal...

  • 遗传学家发现四个牛皮癣“基因热点”

    10-10-19 Scientists at the University of Michigan Heath System and their collaborators have found four new DNA hotspots that may one day help guide new treatments for psoriasis(牛皮癣) , one of the most common autoimmune diseases in the country. Using cutt...

  • 好男人为何会受女孩青睐

    10-10-17 Nice guys actually finish first when it comes to getting the girl, new research suggests. 一项新的研究表明,好男人事实上能够最先追到女孩。 Psychologists(心理学家) believe that traits such as selflessness and altruism(利他主义) have become part o...

  • 科学家揭开砷化合物有毒亦可治病之谜

    10-10-14 Scientists have solved an important mystery about why an arsenic(砷的) compound, called arsenite(亚砷酸盐) , can kill us, and yet function as an effective therapeutic agent against disease and infections. According to new research published in t...

  • 三极晶体管有望研制成功

    10-10-14 Rice University research that capitalizes on(利用) the wide-ranging capabilities of graphene(石墨烯) could lead to circuit applications that are far more compact and versatile(通用的,万能的) than what is now feasible with silicon-based techno...

  • 调查:四十岁前后的英国人最不快乐

    10-10-09 Britons in their late 30s and early 40s are unhappier than any other age group, suffering from loneliness and depression as work and relationship pressures take their toll, according to a survey on Wednesday. 周三发布的一项调查显示,相比其他年龄段的...

  • 瑞典研究会对学术骗子做出惩罚措施

    10-10-07 Barred for up to ten years from receiving research grants(研究基金) from the Swedish Research Council. There will be serious consequences for the few researchers who are guilty of plagiarism(剽窃) , falsification(伪造,歪曲) , or inventing res...

  • 子痫前症新治疗方法将问世

    10-10-07 Scientists have discovered a mechanism which raises blood pressure in pre-eclampsia(子痫前期) , a potentially deadly condition which occurs during pregnancy. After 20 years of research, scientists from the University of Cambridge have now cracked...

  • 全球变暖对热带地区的生物影响最大

    10-10-07 In recent decades documented biological changes in the far Northern Hemisphere have been attributed to global warming, changes from species extinctions to shifting geographic ranges. Such changes were expected because warming has been fastest in the...