• DNA甲基化程度可预测直肠癌

    10-10-29 An investigational DNA methylation(甲基化) test could alter the screening landscape for colorectal cancer(结肠直肠癌) , according to data presented at the American Association for Cancer Research special conference on Colorectal Cancer: Biology...

  • 利用水调节纳米石墨烯带隙

    10-10-27 Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute developed a new method for using water to tune the band gap of the nanomaterial graphene(石墨烯) , opening the door to new graphene-based transistors and nanoelectronics. By exposing a graphene film...

  • 大量使用氟化物可导致氟中毒

    10-10-26 Young children who consume substantial amounts of fluoride(氟化物) through infant formula and other beverages(饮料,酒水) mixed with fluoridated water or by swallowing fluoride toothpaste have an increased chance of developing mild enamel(搪瓷...

  • 睡眠不足对人的影响因基因而异

    10-10-26 Ever wonder why some people breeze along on four hours of sleep when others can barely function? It may be in our genes, according to new research and an accompanying editorial(社论) published in the October 26, 2010, print issue of Neurology, the...

  • 更多的人会做“清醒梦”

    10-10-23 Is film Inception a reality? Studies suggest 'lucid dreams' where we control the action are on the rise. 电影《盗梦空间》存在于现实中吗?研究显示,做可以自主控制的清醒梦的人正在增多。 It is the stuff of a Hollywood movie: a dreamworld that can be ma...

  • 印度疟疾死亡人数被低估

    10-10-21 The number of people dying from malaria in India has been hugely underestimated, according to new research. 一项最新研究显示,印度死于疟疾的人数被远远低估。 The data, published in the Lancet, suggests there are 13 times more malaria deaths in India...

  • 研究人员开发出世界上最小的低通滤波器

    10-10-21 A research team from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has successfully designed the world's smallest on-chip(芯片上的) low-pass filter which is 1,000 times smaller than existing off-chip filters. A low-pass filter is a circuit that allows lo...

  • 雌激素替代疗法可加速卵巢癌扩散

    10-10-21 Estrogen(雌性激素) therapy used by menopausal(更年期的) women causes a type of ovarian(卵巢的,子房的) cancer to grow five times faster, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center. Menopausal estrogen r...

  • 研究发现对儿童使用镇静剂的好方法

    10-10-20 Procedural sedation(镇静) and analgesia(止痛) is an essential element of care for children requiring painful procedures in the emergency department. The practice of combining ketamine(克他命) and propofol(异丙酚) , two common medications use...

  • 研究人员利用眼球测试家畜神经疾病

    10-10-20 The eyes of sheep infected with scrapie(痒病) a neurological disorder similar to mad cow disease return an intense, almost-white glow when they're hit with blue excitation(激发,刺激) light, according to a research project led by Iowa State Univ...