• Do you want a ride? 要不要搭便车?

    22-07-25 Do you want a ride? 要不要搭便车? 【影视实例】《超人新冒险》 LOIS: Its not like were a team or anything. Do you want a ride? CLARK: Ill walk. Maybe the fresh air will help. 适用情况:有车族厚道的提议。 补充说明:让人搭便车叫做give a ride,想要搭便...

  • How about we share a ride? 要不我们拼车?

    22-07-25 How about we share a ride? 要不我们拼车? 【影视实例】《当幸福来敲门》 Mr. Twistle: Listen, Im going to Noe Valley, Chris. Take care of yourself. Chris Gardner: Mr. Twistle. Actually, Im on my way to Noe Valley also. How about we share a ride? 适用...

  • to ride it out 克服困难

    21-12-20 短语 to ride something out 意思是克服困难或冲过难关。 例句 I lost my job and cant spend a lot of money at the moment - Ill just have to ride it out until I get a new one. Jonathan had never run a marathon before - he was tired even before the halfwa...

  • ride roughshod over 一意孤行

    21-07-14 在过去,为防止马在冰上奔跑时滑倒,人们会在马蹄铁上铸钉,以增加摩擦力。古英语单词 roughshod 的意思是马蹄带钉的。因此这个说法直译过来是坐在脚踏钉鞋的马上从物体或别人的身上骑过去。在现代英语中,to ride roughshod over something or somebody 的含义是藐视...

  • 英国试行共享电动滑板车计划

    21-07-05 Joyriders on rental e-scooters put themselves in danger but they also put others at risk. Theyre a threat to pedestrians and to other road users and the scooters themselves get in the way. Elaine Maries knows the risks. Shes partially sighted and re...

  • ride on the crest of success 春风得意

    21-02-07 今日立春,来学习一个春字成语。春风得意,意思是和暖的春风很适合人的心意,后形容人处境顺利,做事如意,事业有成。可以翻译为ride on the crest of success,ride high或be flushed with success。 例句: 他的团队正春风得意。 His team is riding high. 自从他得...

  • piggyback ride 骑高高

    20-12-26 小的时候,谁不爱骑高高呢?坐在爸爸宽厚的肩头,享受着君临天下的感觉。刚开始也许有点怕高,但很快上瘾有木有? 骑高高在英语中可以用piggyback ride表示。 Piggyback ride means to ride on somebodys back or shoulders. Piggyback ride may also refer to a metho...

  • 西班牙王室成员插队受阻破口大骂

    15-06-05 A young member of the Spanish royal family has been accused of racially abusing a staff member at a theme park in Madrid, after being told that he was not allowed to jump the queue for a ride. 西班牙王室中的一名年轻成员因在马德里游乐场插队受阻而破口...

  • 环保爱好者一年不用自来水洗澡

    14-05-11 今年27岁的环境保护爱好者罗布格林菲尔德已经有一年没洗过澡了。不过我们这里所谓的澡是指人工的澡,即用自来水洗的澡。在过去的一年里,罗布骑车穿越美国,并尝试用各种天然水源来洗澡,包括湖泊,河流,雨水和瀑布。 San Diego resident Rob Greenfield just reached...

  • kiddie ride 摇摇乐

    13-01-24 A kiddie ride is a coin-operated amusement ride for small children. Kiddie rides are commonly available in amusement parks, malls, hotel game rooms and outside supermarkets and discount department stores. Kiddie ride是一种供儿童玩耍的投币式娱乐设备...
