• 飞蛾作为传粉者扮演着重要的 “秘密角色”

    20-11-17 新的研究显示,飞蛾在夜间作为多种花卉及植物的传粉者起着至关重要的作用。飞蛾的运输网络比蜜蜂等日间传粉的昆虫更大、更复杂。 Long seen as fluttering pests that make holes in your clothes, scientists now say we have badly misjudged the humble moth. While...

  • 裘德·洛将出演青年版邓布利多

    17-04-15 JK Rowlings Dumbledore is to have a new face - and it belongs to Jude Law. JK罗琳笔下的邓布利多将迎来一个新的面孔它来自裘德洛。 The Oscar-nominated actor will play the young Albus in the sequel to Harry Potter spin-off Fantastic Beasts and Where to...

  • 《忍者神龟2》演员将到中国宣传

    16-06-23 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 will hit screen in China in about one week. 《忍者神龟2》大约将于一周内登陆中国影院。 One of the stars, Stephen Amell will arrive in China on Sunday to promote the film. An interview and video released yesterday shows...

  • 《变形金刚4》将李冰冰的事业推向新高峰

    14-07-25 Even though she was only on screen for 10 minutes, Li Bingbing's appearance in the new Transformers movie has helped propel her career to a new level. 虽然李冰冰在《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》中的戏份只有10分钟,但她在影片中的亮相着实将她的事业推向了新的...

  • 《拜见岳父大人3》五

    12-07-27 精彩对白 Prudence: So great you two could join us. Really wonderful when grandparents play an integral role in early humans' lives. We love them. Jack: Early humans do need guidance. Prudence: Is that your role, Jack? To guide them? Jack: Yes, I see...

  • 世界银行总裁任期将满

    12-02-16 World Bank president Robert Zoellick is to step down from his role at the institution when his five-year term comes to an end on 30 June. 世界银行总裁罗伯特佐利克的五年任期将于6月30日结束,届时他将离开世界银行。 Mr Zoellick is standing down after se...

  • 科学家确定了细胞核点的作用

    10-07-23 When searching for long-lost treasure, sometimes all you need is a good flashlight. Such a flashlight, developed at the Marine Biological Laboratory's (MBL) Josephine Bay Paul Center, has been used to illuminate(阐明,照亮) a long-neglected cellul...

  • 《暮光之城》男演员:自己在剧中像个异装癖

    10-03-27 Robert Pattinson, the British actor who plays a vampire with superhuman strength and speed in the Twilight series of films, has admitted he looks like a transvestite in the role. 在《暮光之城》系列电影中饰演具有超人力量和速度的吸血鬼的英国男演员罗伯...

  • BBC revisits Upstairs BBC重映《楼上楼下》

    09-10-13 Classic ITV drama Upstairs Downstairs is being brought back by the BBC. 英国独立电视台经典戏剧《楼上楼下》将在BBC重新上映。 A new role will be created for Cranford star Dame Eileen Atkins. The drama, about a Belgravia family and their servants, was...

  • Poland angry at Soviet war role 波兰谴责苏联政府在二战中的行

    09-09-02 Polish President Lech Kaczynski has voiced his anger at the Soviet role in World War II at commemorations marking the beginning of the global conflict. 波兰总统Lech Kaczynski在纪念仪式上表达了对于二战时期苏联政府造成全球冲突开始的角色的愤怒。 In fro...