• 《鱿鱼游戏》韩国普遍存在的债务危机

    21-10-09 近日火爆全球的现象级韩剧《鱿鱼游戏》引发了观看热潮,带火了周边产品的销售,也曝光了韩国普遍存在的债务危机。过去几年来,韩国平民负债率不断攀升,贫富差距急剧扩大,许多人都是猝不及防就陷入了债务危机。 After midnight, when the crowds of revellers have go...

  • 会唱歌的白骨 1

    21-10-04 There was a land that had a big concern, because of a wild boar that was digging up the field biting people and killing them. 从前有个国家来了一头野猪。 它践踏耕地、咬杀牲畜,还用尖利的獠牙咬人,人们为此痛苦不堪。 This is a terrible thing. Everyday...

  • 容易拼错的六个英文单词

    21-10-02 大多数英语单词的拼写都可以按照其读音写出,而不遵循这个规则的单词则需要我们额外记忆。证明你拼写能力的时候到了!一起来做下面的英语拼写小测验,看看你能否选出以下六个单词的正确拼写。 1. How do you spell the word which means a room, group of rooms, or bu...

  • 用包含动物名称的英语表达描述人类生活场景

    21-09-29 每年的 3 月 3 日是联合国大会(United Nations General Assembly)设立的世界野生动植物日 World Wildlife Day,它旨在提高人们对野生动植物的认识。你喜欢动物吗?英语里有不少包含动物名称的短语、习语。这些短语通常利用自然界里动物的习性来映射人类生活中的场景...

  • sceptical、suspicious、doubtful

    21-09-17 形容词 sceptical、suspicious 和 doubtful 都可以用来谈论 一个人感到怀疑,但它们的具体含义和用法并不完全相同。下面,我们来重点说一说三个词之间的区别。 先来看形容词 sceptical, S C E P T I C A L,它也可以写成 S K E P T I C A L。Sceptical 形容 某人不轻信...

  • to break the ice 见到陌生人时主动开口和对方攀谈

    21-09-03 To break the ice 就是见到陌生人时主动开口和对方攀谈,打破彼此生疏的僵局。 例句 She said, Heres a game thats guaranteed to break the ice at parties. The room was silent, so he told a joke to break the ice. Sometimes its very difficult to break the ic...

  • to crack on 开始行动

    21-08-25 英语短语 to crack on 意思是赶快继续吧。这个短语也被用来鼓励一个人赶快行动或开始行动。 例句 We need to crack on and get todays work finished. A: Can I start moving the boxes into the living room? B: Yes, crack on. 请注意 Crack on 这个短语经常跟介词 w...

  • 电梯里的B1、B2指的是什么

    21-06-09 大家在坐电梯的时候肯定经常看到B1、B2、F1、F2这样的标识~ F,大家可能会想到是floor的缩写,表示楼层,那你们知道B指的是什么吗? 电梯里的B其实是指basement a room or area in a building that is under the level of the ground地下室,地库 比如: 地下一楼:Bas...

  • be more than equal to a task 游刃有余

    21-06-01 游刃有余,意思是刀刃运转于骨节空隙中,有回旋的余地(have plenty of room for the play of a cleaver);比喻技术熟练,经验丰富,解决问题丝毫不费力。可以翻译为perform a job with high skill and great ease, 或be more than equal to a task等。 例句: 他干厨...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 17

    21-05-06 It was, indeed, a triumphant day to Mr. Bertram and Maria. Such a victory over Edmunds discretion had been beyond their hopes, and was most delightful. There was no longer anything to disturb them in their darling project, and they congratulated eac...