• 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:别问行吗?

    22-08-25 1. 别问行吗? Gwen在学习打字和速记,被Anna发现了,她不想让Anna问来问去。 Cant you just leave it? 你别问行吗? 2. 好高骛远 Gwen在找到工作前不愿意告诉父母自己想要辞职。 Dad will think Im a fool to leave a good place and Mum will say Im getting above m...

  • 为什么玫瑰可以代表爱情?

    22-03-02 18世纪苏格兰著名诗人罗伯特彭斯(Robert Burns)写过一首广为流传的诗歌--《一朵红红的玫瑰》(A Red, Red Rose) ,开头第一句就是: Oh, my love is like a red, red rose. 哦,我的爱就像一朵红红的玫瑰。 张爱玲有一本小说叫《红玫瑰和白玫瑰》,里面有一句话:...

  • 英国过渡时期的历史概况 1

    21-10-05 1.The name the Wars of Roses was referring to the battles between the great house of Lancaster, symbolized by the red rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white. 玫瑰战争这个词是指两个家族间的战争,以红玫瑰为标志的蓝凯斯特家族和以白玫瑰为标志的...

  • rose-tinted spectacles 过于乐观的态度

    21-05-22 如果整个世界都是 rose 玫瑰色的,那么所有事物看起来会很美好,但这可能只是一层假象。 表达 look at/see something/someone through rose-tinted spectacles 透过玫瑰色眼镜 形容 某人过于积极、乐观,只看到事物最好的一面,多用于暗示实际情况比想象中的要糟糕。...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 15

    21-01-24 NOW it is all over. I shall never have another chance like that, and must make up my mind to be a lonely and laborious spinster all my life. Youth is going fast, and I have little in myself to attract or win, though David did call me good and lovely...

  • 伦敦公司出售永不凋谢的玫瑰

    17-03-17 A luxury flower company in London is selling one hundred percent natural Beauty and the Beast roses that it claims last forever if kept in their original glass domes, or up to three years if exposed to air, without requiring sunlight and water. 伦敦...

  • Down Unwin's Track

    16-04-05 Down Unwins Track Alison Brackenbury And the rain stopped. And the sky spun past the hills flush of winter corn. The mare strode out as though still young. You walked. I almost said, last year I saw a hare run with her young just past the broken wal...