• 美国老板自降九成年薪 提高员工薪水

    15-04-19 CEO Dan Price took a 90% pay cut and slashed his company's profits just so he could give his employees a raise. 首席执行官丹布莱斯自降九成年薪、大幅降低公司利润,以提高员工薪水。 Price, who heads up the Seattle payment processing firm Gravity Paymen...

  • salarium 薪水

    14-11-20 Receiving a salary may seem sweet, but the word originates with a different flavor. 领到薪水或许是件挺开心的事情,不过薪水(salary)这个词的来源却另有故事。 In ancient times, because salt wasn't always easy to come by (and because it was a leading w...

  • 公仪休爱吃鱼

    14-06-16 Gong Yixiu, the prime minister of the state of Lu, was very foud of fish. The people of Lu who knew his addiction all came to his home bringing him fish. Gong Yixiu rejected all the fish brought him. He believed if he accepted other people's fish, h...

  • 热门科技公司的工作不一定高薪

    14-01-05 According to a new survey of the base salaries of software engineers around the country, you don't necessarily have to work at the hottest tech firms to get a high-paying job. 一份对美国各地的软件工程师的基本工资最新调查显示:要想获得一份高薪工作,...

  • 面试时问清薪酬能取得优势

    13-06-03 With so much on the line(处于危险中) for job seekers in this difficult economic climate, a lot of new hires might be wondering how -- or whether at all -- to negotiate salary when offered a new position. A recently published study on the art of ne...

  • 雅虎新总裁年薪高达七千万

    12-07-20 Technology firm Yahoo has revealed the remuneration package it has offered to new chief executive Marissa Mayer could top $70m. 科技公司雅虎透露,公司给新总裁玛丽莎梅耶尔开出的薪酬高达7000万美元。 Marissa Mayer's basic salary will be $1m a year Ms M...

  • 美网站公布职业排行榜

    12-04-14 Careercast.com is out with its list of best and worst jobs of 2012. Its bad news for the writer of this story, but much brighter for the folks who program the code that keeps this website humming. 日前,美国招聘网站Careercast.com公布全美最佳和最差工...

  • 白宫公开官员薪水情况

    11-07-09 据新发布的一项报告,美国白宫今年将拿出3712万美元来支付454名工作人员的工资。2011年美国白宫公务员的平均年收入为8.2万美元,而上一年度的平均年薪为8.3万美元。 The White House said on Friday it will pay $37,121,463 in salaries for 454 employees in 2011. T...

  • 强势职场员工更可能得到加薪

    11-01-08 Being nice to your boss won't get you a pay rise, according to a new study showing that only aggressive negotiators get what they want. 一项新调查显示,讨好你的上司并不会为你赢得加薪,强势的谈判者才能得到他们想要的东西。 Researchers found the most e...

  • More factories 'are freezing pay' 更多的工厂“停发薪水”

    09-07-19 Tough times for the manufacturing industry mean a record number of companies are freezing salaries, a new survey indicates. 一项新调查显示,制造工业的困难时期意味着很多公司停发薪水。 Recession is hitting the wages of factory workers in the UK Pay da...