• 欧洲新气象卫星进入轨道

    23-01-29 近日,一颗重要的欧洲卫星已被送入预定轨道。气象卫星 Meteosat-12 搭乘阿丽亚娜火箭从法属圭亚那的库鲁航天发射中心起飞,开启了天气预报的新时代。 The value to society of satellite meteorology is immense. In terms of lives saved and infrastructure damage t...

  • 中星19号卫星发射成功

    22-11-15 11月5日19时50分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心成功将中星19号卫星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。 China Saturday sent a new communications satellite into orbit from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest Chinas Sichuan provin...

  • 我国成功发射陆地探测一号01组A星

    22-01-27 1月26日,我国成功发射L-SAR 01组A星。 China launched a Long March-4C rocket to place a new satellite in space Wednesday. The rocket blasted off at 7:44 a.m. (Beijing Time) at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China and soon sent the L-...

  • 利用卫星图像统计海象数量

    22-01-05 Huge, blubbery and a bit grumpy. Walruses are easy enough to spot. But thanks to their remote Arctic location, theyre hard to count, and we dont know how many of these giant beasts there are. 大块头,胖嘟嘟,还有点性情乖戾。海象很容易被发现,但由于...

  • 科学家利用卫星图像统计非洲大象的数量

    21-04-01 科学家们首次利用卫星图像统计非洲大象的数量。照片由一颗在地表 600 公里( 372 英里)外轨道上运行的地球观测卫星拍摄。这一突破可以让人们在无云日里对 5000 平方公里的大象栖息地进行观测。 When you first look at it, the image is a series of grey blobs amid...

  • 一项研究用卫星测量城市光污染源

    20-12-02 一项在每天凌晨1点30分进行的、持续了10晚的实验揭示了污染夜空的人造光的主要来源。 As well as obscuring our view of a naturally dark night sky with that all-too-familiar glow, artificial light can disrupt our sleep and affect our health. It also affect...

  • 伊朗一颗卫星发射失败

    20-02-11 Iran said it successfully launched a satellite Sunday but failed to put it into orbit, in a blow to its space program that the US alleges is a cover for missile development. 伊朗表示,周日成功发射一枚卫星但未进入预定轨道,这对该国的太空项目是一个打...

  • 中国提供卫星数据助印度抗洪救灾

    19-07-25 China has provided satellite data to assist India with its recent flood relief efforts, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said on Wednesday. 中国国家航天局周三表示,中国已向印度提供卫星数据用于抗洪救灾工作。 The CNSA launched the satell...

  • 伽利略导航系统恢复服务

    19-07-19 Europes satellite navigation system Galileo returned to service on Thursday after days of outage. 欧盟的伽利略卫星导航系统在宕机几天之后于周四重新恢复服务。 The European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency said in a statement that Galileo Ini...