• 中国发射高分五号环境监测卫星

    18-05-09 China on Wednesday launched Gaofen-5, a hyperspectral imaging satellite, as part of the countrys high-resolution Earth observation project. 本周三,中国发射高分五号高光谱成像卫星,助力实现高分辨率地球观测计划。 The Gaofen-5 satellite was launched of...

  • 中国发射亚太6C通信卫星

    18-05-04 China launched a new communication satellite APSTAR-6C at 12:06 a.m. Friday at the southwestern Xichang Satellite Launch Center. 本周五凌晨12点06分,中国在西昌卫星发射中心发射一枚亚太6C通信卫星。 The satellite, developed by the China Academy of Spac...

  • 中阿北斗中心在突尼斯成立

    18-04-12 The first overseas center for Chinas Beidou Satellite Navigation System, the China-Arab Beidou Center, has opened in Tunis, capital of Tunisia, reports Xinhua. 新华社报道,北斗卫星导航系统首家海外中心,中阿北斗中心,在突尼斯首都突尼斯成立。 Located...

  • 日本公司决定制造人工流星雨

    18-03-30 A Japanese space entertainment firm called Astro Live Experiences (ALE) says it will launch its first satellite in 2019 to create artificial meteor showers on demand, for large events or at the whim of the wealthiest among us. 日本一家名为天文直播体...

  • SpaceX发射首枚太空互联网卫星

    18-02-22 SpaceX plans to launch its first demonstration satellite Wednesday for its internet-in-space project. 美国太空探索技术公司周三计划发射首枚太空互联网演示卫星。 SpaceX is slated to launch a rocket from a pad at Californias Vandenberg Air Force Base at...

  • 习近平参观北斗三号卫星发射基地

    18-02-13 Chinese President Xi Jinping visited a satellite launch site in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province Saturday, ahead of the launch of BeiDou-3 satellites. 上周六,北斗三号卫星发射前夕,中国国家主席习近平参观了四川省西昌卫星发射基地。 Two BeiDou-3 satel...

  • 中国发射两颗北斗3导航卫星

    18-01-12 China on Friday sent twin satellites into space on a single carrier rocket. 本周五中国用单颗运载火箭将两颗卫星送入太空。 The Long March-3B carrier rocket took off from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the southwestern province of Sichuan at 7:18 a...

  • 中国发射土地勘测卫星

    17-12-03 China launched a land exploration satellite into a preset orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi desert at 12:11 p.m. Sunday Beijing Time. 北京时间本周日下午12点11分,中国在位于戈壁滩的酒泉卫星发射中心将一颗探地卫星送入预定轨道。...

  • 中国将发射24颗微卫星以探测引力波

    17-09-22 China plans to launch 24 microsatellites to detect the electromagnetic counterpart of gravitational waves. 中国计划发射24颗微卫星以探测引力波。 Tiange Program, or the Grid Program, will be carried out by Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics and commerci...

  • 7月初中国将发射长征5号Y2运载火箭

    17-06-26 China has set the window to launch its Long March-5 Y2 carrier rocket between July 2 and 5. 中国将于7月2日至5日期间发射长征5号Y2运载火箭。 Carrying Shijian-18 communication satellite, the rocket was vertically transferred to the launch area at Wench...