• 美国教育 1

    21-10-30 1)Characteristics of American education: ①formal education in the US consistes of elementary, secondary and higher education.②Elementary and secondary education,which forms public education, is free and compulsory③public and private schools:Publi...

  • 教育部新成立校外教育培训监管司

    21-06-16 The Ministry of Education on Tuesday established a new department to regulate extracurricular tutoring schools, aiming to reduce students excessive academic burden. 6月15日,教育部新成立校外教育培训监管司,旨在为学生减负。 教育部官网的信息显示,校外...

  • 教育部近日印发中小学生作业管理十条要求

    21-04-26 教育部近日印发《关于加强义务教育学校作业管理的通知》,提出十条要求。 Primary schools should ensure that students in the first and second grades do not have written homework. Those in higher grades should complete their homework within one hour, the...

  • 教育部发布未成年人学校保护意见稿

    21-04-08 教育部近日发布公告,就《未成年人学校保护规定(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见。 The draft guideline designed to protect minors from sexual harassment, assault and bullying at primary and secondary schools and has asked schools to adopt a zero-tolerance app...

  • 在英国想上好学校 要生对地方?

    21-04-07 英国教育政策研究所发布的一项最新报告称,在英格兰,地理位置的划分对接受好学校教育机会的影响越来越明显。2010年到2015年间,在伦敦接受中学教育的学生取得学业进步的可能性最大。 This research suggests that London is taking an increasing share of the second...