• paid make-up classes 有偿补课

    15-07-21 The Ministry of Education in China has announced a new regulation that bans any paid make-up classes organized by primary schools or middle schools. 日前,我国教育部宣布新规,严禁中小学校进行有偿补课。 有偿补课可以用 paid make-up classes表示。Paid表...

  • 英国寄宿学校外国学生比例达新高

    15-05-21 Britain's most prestigious boarding schools are enrolling one foreign student for every five new pupils amid school fee rises that are 'squeezing' the middle class. 随着学费上涨,英国最著名的寄宿学校每招收五个新生中就有一个是外国学生,本国中产阶层学...

  • 英国教育大臣建议学校重拾“填鸭式”教学

    14-11-21 Schools are being urged to go back to 'chalk and talk' teaching that was once widespread in Britain -- in order to reproduce the success the traditional methods now have in China. 为了学习传统教学在中国取得的成功,英国教育大臣建议学校重拾填鸭式教学...

  • 智能手机应用PhotoMath 轻松解决数学题

    14-10-24 Say it with us: Kids today have it sooooo easy. 跟着我们一起说:今天的孩子们过得太舒服了。 A new smartphone app will do their math homework for them, provided it's not too complicated. PhotoMath by microblink uses a phone's camera to solve equations...

  • 英国音乐老师欲在课程中加入朝鲜音乐

    14-10-24 朝鲜历来是西方国家的眼中钉,但英国有这么一位就职于著名学校的音乐老师不仅不敌视朝鲜,反而欲在自己的课程内容中加入朝鲜音乐的部分。 It is one of the country's most exclusive public schools, where parents pay fees of up to 36,000 a year so that their so...

  • 利比里亚关闭所有学校 阻止埃博拉病毒蔓延

    14-07-31 Liberia's government has announced that it is closing down all schools across the country to stop the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. 利比里亚政府宣布将关闭全国所有学校阻止埃博拉病毒的蔓延。 Some communities would be placed under quarantine(检疫...

  • 种族隔离在美国学校仍然是个问题

    13-11-02 As American schools struggle with issues of race, diversity and achievement, a new study in the American Sociological Review has split the difference in the ongoing discussion of resegregation(恢复种族隔离) . Yes, black, white and Hispanic student...

  • 巴拿马政府下令拉闸限电

    13-05-09 The Panamanian government has ordered schools to close and government offices to reduce their opening hours as the country suffers from a power shortage. 巴拿马正面临电力短缺的窘境,政府下令关闭学校以及政府办公室以节约能源。 It also declared a droug...

  • 数学竞赛中性别差异正在缩减

    13-02-27 The idea that boys are better at math and in competitions has persisted for a long time, and now we know why: Nobody bothered to schedule the rematch. Most school math contests are one-shot events where girls underperform relative to their male clas...

  • 肯尼亚教师罢工结束 各学校重新开放

    12-09-26 Kenyan schools have re-opened following a three-week strike by teachers after a deal was agreed to raise salaries. 肯尼亚各学校重新开放,此前三个星期由老师们发动的罢工因提薪协议达成而停止。 The government had threatened to sack them all last Friday...