• New Year's shopping festival 年货节

    16-04-19 According to the latest figures released by Chinas e-commerce giant Alibaba, during its New Years shopping festival , a total of 2.1 billion items of merchandise were sold. 根据中国电商巨头阿里巴巴最新发布的数据,在今年阿里年货节期间,消费者买走21亿...

  • 女性群体成为中国O2O日益繁荣的推动力

    16-03-13 Females have become the driving force behind China's booming online-to-offline shopping sector, despite their minority position in the country's overall Internet-using population. 女性群体成为中国线上到线下购物业日益繁荣的推动力,尽管女性只占中国网...

  • 看看惨被拉去陪逛街的男性照片

    16-03-12 Just one more shop!' -- the dreaded words every man fears, and no man believes. 最后再看看这家!男士们最怕听到这句话,他们也知道这绝对不会是最后一家。 A hilarious Instagram account has surfaced called Miserable Men, which features a series of photos...

  • 悉尼女设计师在睡梦中上网购物

    16-02-20 FOR most of us, sleep is the only time during the day where we can get away from our screens and get a bit of rest. 对大部分人来说,在面对各种屏幕一天后,终于可以在睡觉休息的时候远离电脑了。 But not for 27-year-old Rikki Mortimore, who shops online...

  • bakugai 爆买

    16-01-08 Bakugai , or explosive buying, a phrase referring to record-level shopping sprees by Chinese tourists in Japan, has been named the Japanese Word of the Year. 被日本坊间用以形容中国游客在日疯狂购物现象的爆买一词,在日本2015 U-Can新语-流行语大奖评选中...

  • omnichannel 全渠道的

    15-11-18 The adjective omnichannel is used to refer to a type of retail which integrates the different methods of shopping available to consumers, e.g. online, in a physical shop, or by phone. Omnichannel(全渠道的)是形容词,指一种综合了多种顾客购物手段的零...

  • Panic Saturday 恐慌星期六

    15-02-25 Panic Saturday or Super Saturday is the last Saturday before Christmas, a major day of revenue for American retailers, marking the end of the shopping season they and many customers believe begins on Black Friday. 恐慌星期六或超级星期六是圣诞节前最...

  • 京东与英特尔将建立联合创新实验室

    14-12-18 China's e-commerce giant JD.com has signed a framework agreement with Intel to set up a joint innovation laboratory to explore real sense shopping online. 中国电商巨头京东与英特尔签署一项框架协定,将建立一座联合创新实验室探索网上购物的真切感。 Under...

  • 购物能提高老年人的智力

    14-11-29 Shopping can boost the brainpower of the elderly, researchers have found. 研究人员发现,购物能提高老年人的智力。 Duke University scientists found older adults seem to need extra brainpower to make shopping decisions - especially ones that rely on me...

  • 中国将引领英国圣诞购物狂欢

    14-11-29 A pre-Christmas splurge by rich tourists could save what has been a 'suffering' year for international spending in Britain, according to a new report. 据英国《每日邮报》消息,根据一项最新报告,腰包鼓鼓的游客在圣诞前夕的购物狂欢可以拯救英国今年在国际...