• 京东欲采购英国商品

    17-06-11 Richard Liu, the head of JD.com, is on a shopping expedition to the UK. 京东总裁刘强东准备去英国来一场购物之旅。 As shopping trips go, its likely to be one that runs up quite a big bill! The founder and CEO of Chinas online mega-store, JD.com, is in...

  • sharable chargers 共享充电宝

    17-05-07 Sharable chargers are available at 37 sites in Xian, including restaurants and shopping malls. Users can scan a QR code on a machine to rent a convenient power source to provide a jump-start. They need to make a deposit of 100 yuan, or waive the dep...

  • mystery shopping 神秘购物

    17-02-23 Mystery shopping is a tool used externally by market research companies, watchdog organizations, or internally by companies themselves to measure quality of service, or compliance with regulation, or to gather specific information about products and...

  • Walking wallets 行走的钱包

    16-12-14 Shopping is not the only purpose that Chinese people travel abroad, but it is reality that outbound travelers are spending huge to buy products from daily necessities to luxury items. 购物不是中国人去国外旅游的主要目的,但事实上,中国的出境游客的确...

  • 2015中国境外消费1.5万亿元

    16-08-18 Chinese outbound consumption reached 1.5 trillion yuan ($226.15 billion) in 2015, of which about half was spent on shopping, according to the Ministry of Commerce. 中国商务部表示,2015年中国境外消费达到1.5万亿元(2261.5亿美元),其中一半花费于购物。...

  • closet shopping 衣橱血拼

    16-07-27 Closet shopping is a kind of shopping you dont have to spend a penny, you just need to look through your closet and discover articles of clothing you forgot you bought or owned, you havent worn in a while, or you have been saving for when you can fi...

  • 2015中国电视购物销售额增长13%

    16-06-14 TV shopping in China grew 13 percent in 2015, according to a report issued by the Ministry of Commerce on Sunday. 中国商务部周日发布的一份报告显示,2015年中国电视购物销售额增长13%。 Sales by 32 TV shopping companies reached 39.9 billion yuan (6 bill...

  • shopping scams 购物欺诈

    16-05-31 Many Chinese tourists have fallen victim to shopping scams perpetrated by tour guides and local duty-free stores in Japan, Xinhua News Agency reported. 据新华社报道,很多中国游客成为日本购物欺诈的受害者,导游与当地免税店都参与了这种欺诈行为。 这里的...

  • online flea market 网络二手货市场

    16-05-16 Experts say the online flea market is expected to grow further as online shopping continues to develop, but more regulation is needed to protect the rights of consumers. 专家表示,随着网络购物的发展,网络二手货市场还有继续发展的空间,但还应出台更多...

  • man chair 男士椅

    16-04-20 A man chair , also known as husband chair, is the chair that men sit in while their partner is shopping for long periods of time. They can be found in almost any clothing or shoe store, some even provide waiting men with newspapers or hi-tech produc...