• 300万英国民众将网购圣诞物品

    12-12-23 Over three million people will do their Christmas shopping entirely online this year without once visiting an actual shop, a poll has found. 一项民调发现,今年圣诞,超过300万英国人将在网上采购所有过节物品,一家实体店都不会去。 Overcrowding and long...

  • Monitor shopping 只逛不买

    12-11-27 Monitor shopping is another form of window shopping, except that instead of wandering in stores, all you have to do is to log onto a shopping website. Youre online only browsing, not looking for anything in particular because you cant afford it or y...

  • video-shopping 视频购物

    12-11-09 The e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has launched a video-shopping service that will start next month. 电子商业巨头阿里巴巴集团,将于下个月推出一项视频购物服务。 文中的video shopping就是指视频购物,是指通过dynamic image(动态图像)识别技术...

  • 如何翻译“骨子里的感觉”

    12-10-31 原文:The newly-wed seem so happy, but I have a feeling in my boons that their marriage won't last long. 原译:新婚夫妇看上去十分幸福,不过我骨子里有一种感觉,他们的婚姻不会长久。 辨析:汉语说骨子里感到表示一种强烈的感情,例如我从骨子里恨他,是恨之...

  • 周二网购最划算

    12-09-08 If you think that Internet shopping on a Sunday gets you the best deals, then think again. Tuesday is actually the best day of the week if you want to grab a bargain, according to an exhaustive analysis of on-line shopping. 如果你以为周日上网购物能...

  • Off-season shopping 反季淘

    12-08-22 Off-season shopping describes purchasing winter clothing in summer or the other way around to save money in big off-season discounts. 反季淘指的是为了省钱而在反季大减价的时候购买衣服,在夏季买冬衣或在冬季买夏装。 The best time to buy clothing is whe...

  • Couch commerce 沙发商务

    12-08-08 Couch commerce refers to the phenomenon of people doing their shopping using tablet and smartphone devices. 沙发商务指的是人们用平板电脑和智能手机购物的现象。 With the introduction of the iPad from Apple, tablet sales have skyrocketed over the past...

  • 购物会让女性感到慌乱紧张

    12-02-11 Women are meant to be the experts at shopping - but new research reveals the whole experience leaves them flustered and stressed. 女性本应是购物高手,但新研究揭示,购物会让女性感到慌乱紧张。 The surprise findings emerged in a study of 2,000 people a...

  • Early Big Shopping 提早大抢购

    11-10-07 An offender was brought to trial before a judge. The judge asked him, What is the crime you have committed? The offender said, I went shopping too early during the New Year. The judge said, This is not a crime! Is there a mistake, perhaps? So how ea...

  • 英百名母亲当众坦胸哺乳

    11-06-25 为了宣传母乳喂养的好处,近日,一百多名不同年龄的妈妈聚集在英国曼彻斯特的特拉福德购物中心,当众掀起衣服给各自怀中的宝宝喂奶,吸引了路人的关注。 Flashmob! Hundreds of mothers and their infants descend on The Grand Staircase at The Trafford Centre in M...