• 无人超市:未来购物主流?

    21-12-20 Its cold, its gloomy, and if you run out of milk, its a fifteen-minute drive to the supermarket. But this wooden container offers a lifeline. You use an app to open the doors. Your phone scans whatever you need. And the bills charged to your bank ca...

  • 拔草 长草

    21-04-20 拔草:no longer longing for something or removing something from shopping cart 指不再挂念某物或者从购物车里移出某件东西 I removed that perfume from my shopping cart. 我拔草了那款香水。 长草:the growing desire to buy a particular product or experien...

  • 先逛店后网购

    21-03-15 Do you like shopping? Or does the thought of traipsing round the shops fill you with dread? For some of us, shopping is an enjoyable way of spending our leisure time and our money. For me, its something I would rather avoid. Thank goodness for the i...

  • 网上购物热潮继续增温

    21-02-09 自1994年以来,网上购物已经慢慢地侵蚀了传统的高街零售体验。现在,许多人更愿意在网上购物。但这是为什么呢?为什么时至今日,网上购物门庭若市,熙来攘往,而传统商店却无人问津? The first thing sold online was a CD. It sold in 1994 for $12.48. In 1995, Ama...

  • online Lunar New Year's Shopping Festival 网上年货节

    21-02-05 商务部举办的2021全国网上年货节自1月20日开启,为期30天。消费者可以通过生鲜购物应用软件以及电商平台购买各种半成品菜肴。 The Ministry of Commerce is holding an online Lunar New Years Shopping Festival, which began on Jan 20 and will last 30 days. Consu...

  • 英国传统购物街的未来

    20-12-29 Do you like shopping? For shopaholics in the UK, the place to head to used to be the high street. This location refers to the streets in the centre of a town where businesses and popular branches of retail chains could be found. It was the place whe...

  • run behind one's expenses 入不敷出

    20-10-22 双十一购物节(Singles Day shopping carnival)将至,不少网友已经摩拳擦掌,准备血拼一...

  • shopaholic 购物狂

    20-10-18 Kate: Hey Mary! Look at my new skirts! Are they beautiful? 嘿,玛丽!看看我的新裙子!它们是不是很漂亮呢? Mary: Yes, they are. You went shopping again? 是的,很漂亮。你又去购物了? Kate: Ahem...Yeah...But they gave 20% discount for cash payment. So...

  • 伯灵顿拱廊街举行200周年庆典

    19-05-10 One of the worlds oldest and most luxurious shopping destinations, Burlington Arcade, has marked its 200th anniversary in London. 世界最古老最奢华的购物胜地,伦敦伯灵顿拱廊街,举行建立200周年庆祝仪式。 Gathered in the heart of Mayfair to celebrate t...

  • white economy 白色经济

    18-05-05 More than 2.6 billion yuan ($400 million) was spent on dining, entertainment and shopping in Beijing during the New Year holiday, with the white economy becoming a new growth point. 元旦假期,北京餐饮、娱乐及购物领域的消费收入超过26亿元,白色经济成...