• 科学家研发出一种无痛疫苗贴

    17-07-04 The end of painful vaccination jabs is on the horizon after scientists proved that a skin patch is just as effective at inoculating patients and can be applied at home in just a few minutes. 打疫苗的疼痛很快就要终结了,科学家证实,贴在皮肤上的疫苗贴...

  • 2017年必须get的彩妆术

    16-12-30 FAKE FRECKLES Ms Brook says natural, beautiful skin will be huge this year - with raw skin teamed with bold eye and lip make up. Freckles will be such a huge trend, that even if you arent naturally blessed - they can be drawn on or even stuck on. SU...

  • 长痘痘的人生理上看起来更为年轻

    16-11-02 If your teenage son or daughter is blighted by acne, they can take heart. 如果你那处在青春期的儿子女儿正饱受粉刺痤疮的摧残,那么是时候振作起来了。 For while they may feel greasy and unattractive at the moment, by middle age they will be the envy of...

  • 几种完全错误的洗澡方式 下

    16-06-08 USING A POUF Poufs and loofahs are a haven for bacteria -- the dead skin cells they scrub so well from our body get caught up in the nooks where bacteria can feed on them. Also, because poufs take time to dry and may well retain dead skin cells, its...

  • Response 回应

    16-06-04 Frequent hand-washing in my job as a medical technologist and the harsh Alaskan weather combined to give me very dry skin. One night as I prepared for bed, I rubbed my hands with petroleum jelly and covered them with a pair of old white gloves. As I...

  • 涂抹防晒霜的正确方法

    16-05-16 Millions of us could be putting our lives at risk by not applying sunscreen properly, experts have warned. 专家警告说,数百万英国人因为涂抹防晒霜的方法不当而对自己的生命构成了威胁。 An online poll from the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD)...

  • First Words

    16-04-05 First Words Phillip B. Williams A storm and so a gift. Its swift approach lifts gravel from the road. A fence is flattened in the course of the storms worse attempt at language -- thunders umbrage. A tree is torn apart, blown upward through a bedroo...

  • 鲨鱼皮实际上会增加阻力

    16-03-16 On an intuitive level, you'd expect a shark's skin to reduce drag. After all, the purpose of sharkskin-inspired riblets -- the micro-grooved structures found in aircraft wings, wind turbine blades and Olympic-class swimsuits -- is to do just that. S...

  • 容易堵塞毛孔的化妆品成分

    16-03-12 Alcohols: Cetearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, and other types can trigger the development of white heads and blackheads, the first lesions in acne. Even worse, alcohols are irritants and can dry out the skin. That irritation can trigger flare-ups, whic...

  • 鱼类皮肤的隐形能力

    15-11-23 Scientists have solved a longstanding mystery about how some fish seem to disappear from predators in the open waters of the ocean, a discovery that could help materials scientists and military technologists create more effective methods of ocean ca...