• 皮肤拭子检查有望用于诊断帕金森病

    21-04-01 英国的科学家们表示,一项简单的皮肤拭子检查可用来帮助诊断退化性大脑疾病帕金森...

  • 我们离半机械人时代又近了一步

    21-02-23 多年来,科幻小说一直在不断地为我们描绘各种体能超强的半机械人类生活在未来的场景。随着生物科技的迅速发展,半机械人类的时代离我们又近了一步。最新的一项生物科技突破是否证明集成技术的发展前景无限光明? I am a massive science fiction geek. Ever since I wa...

  • 洗手皂会变脏吗?

    20-09-19 When you see lovely little bars of lemon-thyme or lavender hand soaps on the rim of a sink, you know they are there to make you feel as fresh as a gardenia-scented daisy. We all know washing our hands is important, but, like washcloths and towels, c...

  • 中国科学家发明像纹身的电子皮肤

    18-08-06 Chinese scientists have developed a graphene-based tattoo-like electronic skin, which could function as a wearable electronic device to monitor health. 中国科学家研发出一种以石墨烯为基础的像纹身一样的电子皮肤,可以作为检测健康的可穿戴电子设备。 Elec...

  • 牛奶浴能让皮肤变得更光滑更有弹性

    18-06-11 Legend says that Egyptian queen Cleopatra bathed daily in sour donkeys milk to improve the complexion of her skin and reduce wrinkles. 传说埃及艳后每日用酸驴奶沐浴,以改善肤色、减少皱纹。 Dr Altcheck doesnt recommend bathing in rotted milk, but says...

  • 如何在最热的天气里保持凉爽

    18-05-20 Wear loose clothing, mostly cotton This seems obvious, but wearing clothing that is loose rather than tight allows air to flow past the skin. This carries away the warmth that your body generates and allows cooler air to flow back in. Clothes like t...

  • 葡萄酒对皮肤有害

    18-04-29 Indulging in a few glasses of wine or a couple of cocktails may be a necessary part of life but unfortunately, there are no real benefits to the habit. 享用几杯葡萄酒或鸡尾酒也许是你生活中必不可少的一部分,但不幸的是,这个习惯真的没啥好处。 As it ha...

  • 晚上洗澡好处更多

    18-04-21 When it comes to showering, most people do it either first thing in the morning or right before bed. 说到洗澡,大多数人要么是早上一起床就洗澡,要么是上床睡觉前洗澡。 Advice on the proper time to bathe has varied with some experts saying a shower at...

  • 中国脸基尼正风靡澳大利亚

    17-08-20 As the weather warms up and people get ready to hit the beach, it appears a new age of Australian swimwear may be dawning. 随着天气变热,人们准备在沙滩上好好玩耍一番,澳洲泳衣的新时代似乎也将破晓而出。 The Face-Kini is shaping up to be this years bi...

  • 香蕉韧丝富含营养完全可以食用

    17-07-05 Bananas are a wonderful source of potassium and are the perfect on-the-go snack. 香蕉是钾元素的绝佳来源,也是完美的便携零食。 The only downside to the fruit are those irritating leathery strands - which are actually called phloem bundles - that you...