• 二手烟可增加儿童患脑膜炎风险

    10-12-08 Second-hand smoke increases risk of invasive meningococcal(脑膜炎球菌的) disease in children. Children exposed to second-hand smoke are more likely to get invasive meningococcal disease than children who are not exposed, reports a study from Chien...

  • 二手烟致全球每年约60万人死亡

    10-12-05 Around one in a hundred deaths worldwide is due to passive smoking, which kills an estimated 600,000 people a year, World Health Organization (WHO) researchers said on Friday. 世界卫生组织的研究人员周五称,全球每100例死亡中就有1例是死于被动吸烟,每...

  • 吸烟使非裔美国人增加风湿性关节炎风险

    10-11-24 A new study determined that African Americans who smoke cigarettes have a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis ( RA风湿性关节炎 ). RA risk is more pronounced(显著的,断然的) among individuals positive for the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope(表...

  • 俄财政部长鼓励民众多吸烟、多喝酒

    10-09-05 俄罗斯财政部长近期发表另类言论,鼓励民众多吸烟、多喝酒,为政府增加税收,从而改善社会服务质量。他表示,吸烟和喝酒的人们其实是在为国家做贡献,人们每吸一盒香烟就意味着为解决国家面临的社会问题贡献了一份力量。 Smoke and drink more, Russia's finance minis...

  • “秋老虎”

    10-06-04 虽然已经进入秋天,不过最近的天气仍然很热,这就是所谓的秋老虎了,那么,你知道秋老虎用英文怎么翻译吗? 秋老虎、小阳春,都是中文里特殊的表达方式,那么如何用英文来表达深秋季节的一段暖和天气呢?其实英文中有个与之相对应的短语, Indian summer 。 Indian sum...

  • Dinner is ready 晚饭准备好了

    09-12-16 Dinner's ready My cooking has always been the target of family jokes. One evening, as I prepared dinner a bit too quickly, the kitchen filled with smoke and the smoke detector went off. Although both of my children had received fire-safety training...

  • 研究:吸烟危害生命 警示无助戒烟

    09-12-12 Cigarette pack warnings that remind smokers of the fatal consequences of their habit may actually make them smoke more as a way to cope with the inevitability of death, according to researchers. 研究人员日前称,香烟包装上提醒吸烟危害生命的警示信息其...

  • 童年时期处于二手烟环境可增加患肺癌危险

    09-12-06 Children exposed to secondhand cigarette smoke have an increased risk of developing lung cancer in adulthood成年 , even if they never smoked. Results of this study are published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers Prevention, a journal of the America...

  • Smoking ban heart gains 'massive' 公共场所禁烟“好处多”

    09-09-22 Bans on smoking in public places have had a bigger impact on preventing heart attacks than ever expected, data shows. 数据显示,禁止在公共场所吸烟对防止心脏病有未曾想到的影响。 Passive smoke raises heart risk Smoking bans cut the number of heart att...

  • Turkey smoke ban extends to bars 土耳其禁烟活动扩大到酒吧

    09-07-19 Turkey has extended an existing ban on smoking in public places to all bars, cafes and restaurants. 土耳其将现已存在的公共场合禁烟扩大到所有的酒吧、咖啡馆和饭店。 Local authority staff will impose fines on those breaking the ban The ban has come int...