• 过时的伐木方式导致高水土流失

    10-10-20 Clear-cut logging and related road-building in the 1950s and 1960s in southern Oregon's Siskiyou Mountains disrupted(破坏,分裂) soil stability and led to unprecedented soil erosion made worse during heavy rainstorms, report University of Oregon r...

  • 北极土壤研究结果令人吃惊

    10-09-24 Across the globe, the diversity of plant and animal species generally increases from the North and South Poles towards the Equator(赤道) but surprisingly that rule isn't true for soil bacteria, according to a new study by Queen's University biolog...

  • 恢复沿海湿地需先检查其土壤成分

    10-09-08 Rising sea levels and coastal development are threatening coastal freshwater wetlands with saltwater intrusion(侵入,闯入) . While most ecosystem restoration projects have focused on surface water and groundwater, new research finds that condition...

  • 土壤中的固体有机物可能加速细菌的呼吸作用

    10-05-24 The mineral-breathing bacteria found in many oxygen-free environments may be carbon-breathing as well. Oxygen-free, or anaerobic(厌氧的) , environments contain microbes sometimes described as mineral-breathing because they use iron oxides and othe...

  • 监测冻土状况的新方法问世

    10-05-06 Among the worrisome(令人烦恼的,麻烦的) environmental effects of global warming is the thawing of Arctic permafrost(永久冻土) ---soil that normally remains at or below the freezing point for at least a two-year period and often much longer. Moni...

  • 土壤细菌对气候变化的影响没有预想的严重

    10-04-27 In dark, rich soils on every continent, microbes(细菌,微生物) dealing with the effects of climate change aren't accelerating(促进的,加速的) global warming the way scientists had predicted, a study by researchers at the University of California...

  • 北京遭遇沙尘暴天气

    10-03-21 Beijing has been shrouded in orange dust as a strong sandstorm blew hundreds of miles from drought-struck northern China to the nation's capital. 北京昨日被笼罩在桔黄色的沙尘中,据悉这股强沙暴来自于数百英里外的中国北方干旱地区。 Beijing's Tiananmen...

  • 土壤中的铜锌微粒可使作物增加毒性

    09-11-11 MADISON, WI, NOVEMBER 9, 2009 -- Agricultural soils accumulate(积聚,堆积) trace metals(微量重金属), particularly copper and zinc(锌), as a result of their presence in wastes ( sewage脏水,污水 biosolids生物固体 and m anures肥料 ) and fungicid...

  • 美参议院通过关塔那摩湾法案

    09-10-21 The US Senate has voted to continue to allow Guantanamo inmates to be tried on US soil, removing a hurdle as the Obama administration seeks to close the camp. 美国参议院投票通过允许关塔那摩湾囚犯在美国国土继续服役的决议,扫除了奥巴马政权试图关闭该拘...

  • Bid to protect England's top soil 英国:保护土地措施将出台

    09-09-24 A strategy to protect the health of England's soils and ensure they continue to store carbon dioxide, will be published by the government later. 一项保护英国土地健康状况并确保其能够继续储存二氧化碳的政策晚些时候将会有英国政府发布。 Our soils hold wi...