• eat/live on dirt/soil 吃土

    21-07-01 吃土这一说法,最初源于2015年双十一购物狂欢节(Double 11 Carnival),表示网购过度,后来延伸到口袋没钱的含义。 其实国外也有这样的说法,eat ones dust,但是它表示的是落后于某人的意思。 例如: If we race, youll eat my dust. 如果我们赛跑的话,你就等着输吧。...

  • end one's days on one's native soil 叶落归根

    20-09-18 叶落归根,字面意思是树叶凋落,回到树根周围(Leaves wither and fall on the ground by the tree roots. )。比喻事物总有一定的归宿,现多指久居异乡的人终究会返回故里( A person residing elsewhere finally returns to his native land.)。它包含着中国人自古...

  • 中国公布土壤污染控制标准

    18-07-04 China on Tuesday released a contamination control standard for agricultural land and development land. 本周二,中国公布了农业土地和开发土地的污染控制标准。 The standard, which will take effect from August, is aimed at ensuring safe agricultural prod...

  • 比萨斜塔经历地震为何还能屹立不倒

    18-05-19 New research has revealed how the iconic Leaning Tower of Pisa has managed to stay standing - and intact - in the face of four strong earthquakes and a precarious lean of five degrees. 意大利的标志性建筑比萨斜塔有5度的倾斜度,而且还历经4次大地震,却...

  • 中国科学家发现盐碱地水稻增产的基因

    18-04-09 Chinese scientists have found a gene that can help reduce the effect of soil salinization on rice yields. 中国科学家已发现一种基因可以减少盐碱地对水稻产量的影响。 The gene, named STRK1, is crucial in reducing the harm caused by high salt infiltratio...

  • 2017中国探测器将从月球带回土壤样本

    17-01-04 Chinas unmanned lunar probe Change-5, set to be launched around December 2017, will bring lunar soil samples back to Earth, says Wu Yanhua, deputy chief of the China National Space Administration. 中国国家航天局副局长吴艳华表示,无人月球探测器嫦娥5...

  • 中国将着手治理土壤污染

    16-06-01 A plan for tackling soil pollution in China has been unveiled. 中国公布一项治理土壤污染的计划。 It aims at curbing the problem by 2020, controlling it by 2030, and forming a so-called virtuous cycle in the ecosystem by 2050. According to the latest...

  • landslide 山体滑坡

    16-03-07 A total of 91 people went missing after a landslide buried 33 buildings in an industrial park in Shenzhen city of South China's Guangdong province on Sunday, according to local authorities. 据当地政府消息,12月20日深圳一工业园区内发生山体滑坡,导致3...

  • 城市的土壤会排放数量惊人的CO2

    16-02-24 In the concrete jungle at the core of a city, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are dominated by the fossil fuels burned by the dense concentrations of cars and buildings. Boston University researchers now have shown, however, that in metropolitan area...

  • 科研人员在沙漠中发现微生物热岛

    16-01-21 Deserts are often thought of as barren places that are left exposed to the extremes of heat and cold and where not much is afoot. But that view is being altered as new research keeps revealing the intricate ecological dynamics of deserts as they cha...