• 密集星团被证明是二元黑洞的工厂

    15-07-30 The coalescence of two black holes -- a very violent and exotic event -- is one of the most sought-after observations of modern astronomy. But, as these mergers emit no light of any kind, finding such elusive events has been impossible so far. Colli...

  • International Space-out Competition 国际发呆大赛

    15-07-21 Eighty people competed in the Second International Space-out Competition held in one of the most vibrant shopping streets in Beijing - The Place - near China World Trade Center. 第二届国际发呆大赛在北京世贸天阶举行,共有80名参赛者。世贸天阶在中国国...

  • parking space before car 有位购车

    15-06-29 To tackle the rising menace of parking, the authorities in Beijing are going to launch parking space before car policy. It means that potential car buyers would have to rent or buy a car park space first, as a pre-condition to buy a vehicle. 为解决...

  • 中子星回声可以作为天文学新的测量工具

    15-06-25 In late 2013, when the neutron star at the heart of one of our galaxy's oddest supernovae gave off a massive burst of X-rays, the resulting echoes -- created when the X-rays bounced off clouds of dust in interstellar space -- yielded a surprising ne...

  • 阿联酋将于2021年发射火星探测器

    15-05-26 Officials with the United Arab Emirates are suggesting the country's newly-founded space agency have plans to sent an unmanned probe to Mars by 2021. 阿联酋官员暗示,该国新建立的宇航局计划于2021年向火星发射一颗无人驾驶探测器。 Mohamed Al-Ahbabi, dir...

  • 中国太空力量居世界第四

    15-05-22 China's space capabilities are ranked the fourth in the world, and the gap between the leading powers is narrowing, according to a report issued recently by a Chinese research organization. 一家中国的研究机构发布的报告称,中国的太空力量位居世界第四...

  • 天文学家希望将维基百科送入太空

    15-03-08 Wikipedia is becoming Wookiepedia as boffins hope the informative website will help us reach out to intelligent life forms. 维基百科真的要变身星战维基了。加州研究人员希望这个百科式网站能帮助地外文明了解地球。 Astronomers would like to beam the entir...

  • 新型正方体小屋亮相多伦多室内设计展

    15-02-02 A new 10 x 10 x 10 cube featuring a built-in bed, kitchen, bathroom and living space is set to change the way we think about small-space living. 最近,一种新型正方体小屋将改变人们对狭小居住空间的看法,小屋长、宽、高均为10英尺(约3米),内置有床、厨...

  • θ极光来源之谜揭晓

    14-12-26 A University of Southampton researcher has helped solve a long-standing space mystery -- the origin of the 'theta aurora'. Auroras are the most visible manifestation of the Sun's effect on Earth. They are seen as colourful displays in the night sky,...

  • 太空旅行比预想的稍微安全

    14-12-04 Analysis of data from the MATROSHKA experiment, the first comprehensive measurements of long-term exposure of astronauts to cosmic radiation, has now been completed. This experiment, carried out on board and outside of the International Space Statio...