• SpaceX将带游客绕月环游

    17-03-06 US private rocket company SpaceX has announced that two private citizens have paid to be sent around the Moon. 美国私人火箭公司太空探索技术公司宣布已有两位公民支付了绕月环游的费用。 The mission is planned for late 2018, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said, ad...

  • 中国将于2018年发射空间站核心模块

    17-03-03 China will launch a space station core module in 2018, according to a senior engineer with China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (CASC) on Thursday. 中国航天科技集团公司一位高级工程师周四表示,中国将于2018年发射空间站核心模块。 The core module...

  • 美国公司2017将开启月球之旅

    17-01-22 A US company has secured funding to become the first private entity to travel to the moon, with a planned 2017 voyage that will be an international milestone in space exploration. 一家美国公司已筹集到资金确保其成为首个赴月的私人公司,他们计划于2017...

  • 中国商用火箭快舟一号成功发射三枚卫星

    17-01-11 Kuaizhou-1A, a Chinese commercial space launch vehicle, has carried out its first mission and sent three satellites into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. 中国商用太空运载火箭快舟一号已经执行首次任务,在酒泉卫星发射中心向太空中发射三枚...

  • 美国宇航局悬赏3万美金解决太空排便问题

    16-12-05 When youve got to go, but youre out there in space, zipped up in a spacesuit, with no toilet in sight and a crew of other astronauts around, what do you do? 如果你在太空裹着宇航服时,迫切需要方便一下,但是周围看不到厕所又有一群宇航员在,你要怎么办呢...

  • 美国宇航局将于2018年发射火星着陆器

    16-09-06 NASA has approved the launch of its Mars lander, InSight, for May 2018, to study the Red Planets deep interior. 美国宇航局已确认,将于2018年5月发射火星着陆器,以深入研究这颗红色的星球。 The mission was originally scheduled to launch in March this ye...

  • 神舟11号抵达发射场

    16-08-14 Chinas Shenzhou-11 spaceship, set to take two astronauts into space, was delivered to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Saturday. 中国神舟11号飞船本周六被运往酒泉卫星发射中心,两名宇航员将搭载该飞船进入太空。 General assembly...

  • 叶光富洞穴训练后首次亮相

    16-07-21 Ye Guangfu made his first public appearance on Wednesday, just after completing an underground training mission deep in an Italian cave. 叶光富在意大利一处洞穴完成训练任务后,周三首次在公众面前亮相。 Taikonaut -- the Chinese equivalent of astronaut...

  • 中国空间实验室天宫2号到达发射中心

    16-07-12 Chinas second orbiting space lab Tiangong-2, which may enable two astronauts to live in space for up to 30 days, has been delivered to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. 中国第二艘轨道空间实验室天宫2号已被运送至酒泉卫星发射中心,该实验室可以容纳两名宇...

  • 中国航天测量船远望7号正式下水

    16-07-12 Chinas new generation of space tracking ship, the Yuanwang-7, was formally launched on Tuesday after a 60-day trial period. 中国新一代航天测量船远望7号,经过60天的试用期已于本周二正式下水服役。 The vessel, designed by China, marks a new high for Chi...