• 中国将于2020年7月发射火星探测器

    18-09-19 China plans to launch its first Mars probe in July of 2020, followed by a second Mars mission in around 2028, Beijing News reports. 中国计划于2020年7月发射首颗火星探测器,随后在大约2028年进行第二个火星任务。 The probe is expected to land on the surf...

  • 中国私企发射亚轨道火箭

    18-09-06 A Chinese private company sent a suborbital rocket into space at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. 周三下午1点钟,中国一家民营企业在酒泉卫星发射中心将一颗亚轨道火箭送入太空。 The SQX-1Z was developed by...

  • 莫迪:2022年前将向太空发射载人飞船

    18-08-16 India will send a manned flight into space by 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced Wednesday. 印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪周三宣布,2022年前将向太空发射载人飞船。 He said India will become the fourth country after Russia, the United States and China...

  • 美国副总统:将在2020年前成立航天部队

    18-08-10 U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said Thursday that the United States plans to establish a Space Force by 2020, an idea floated by President Donald Trump and questioned by many top officers at the Pentagon. 美国副总统迈克彭斯周四表示,美国计划在2020年...

  • 中国邀请空间站国际合作

    18-08-06 China is asking the world to collaborate in experiments on its planned space station so as to promote international space cooperation and sustainable global development. 中国邀请世界各国在其计划的空间站内合作进行实验,以促进国际空间合作与全球可持续...

  • 特朗普计划建立一支“太空军”

    18-06-19 President Donald Trump announced Monday he is directing the Pentagon to create a new Space Force as an independent military service branch aimed at ensuring American supremacy in space. 美国总统特朗普周一宣布,他降授意五角大楼建立一支独立的军种太空...

  • 哈工大研发小卫星发射进入月球轨道

    18-06-15 A micro satellite, developed by the Harbin Institute of Technology in northeast Chinas Heilongjiang Province and sent into an orbit around the Moon, has started to transmit data back to Earth. 哈尔滨工业大学研发的一颗小卫星被发射进入月球轨道。 Two m...

  • 俄罗斯成功发射联盟号MS-09飞船

    18-06-07 Russia on Wednesday successfully launched its Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft carrying three crew members to the International Space Station (ISS), the Russian State Corporation Roscosmos said. 俄罗斯周三成功发射联盟号MS-09飞船,将三名宇航员送入国际空间站。...

  • 中国欢迎联合国成员合作利用空间站

    18-05-29 China announced Monday that all member states of the United Nations are welcome to cooperate with China to jointly utilize its future China Space Station (CSS). 本周一,中国宣布欢迎联合国所有成员国与中国合作共同利用未来的中国空间站。 CSS belongs not...

  • 2019中国将启用新型太空货运飞船

    18-04-27 A new type of space cargo transport aircraft is under development and will complete its maiden flight in 2019, a space engineering company based in central Chinas Wuhan said Thursday. 武汉某航天工程公司周四表示,正在研发一种新型太空货运飞船并将于201...