• 竞赛场馆

    22-01-26 北京冬奥会开赛在即,所有比赛场馆均已经完成最后的测试,即将为奥运健将提供一展风采的舞台。 这次冬奥会将启用北京赛区、延庆赛区和张家口赛区的26个竞赛场馆和非竞赛场馆。不过,值得注意的是,它们虽然都是体育馆,但英语表达中却不尽相同。 比如新建的北京主赛区...

  • 津巴布韦举行独立38周年纪念

    18-04-19 Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans have gathered in the National Sports Stadium where celebrations have taken place to mark the 38th anniversary of the countrys Independence. 数以万计的津巴布韦人剧集到国家体育馆庆祝国家独立38周年。 The 60-thousand sea...

  • 日本欲与中韩共同举办2030年世界杯

    17-01-19 Japan is reportedly seeking to co-host the 2030 FIFA World Cup with China and South Korea, after an announced increase of the number of competing teams to 48 beginning 2026 from the current 32, according to Japanese news outlet Zakzak. 日本新闻媒体...

  • 数万人将参加曼德拉追悼会

    13-12-10 Thousands of people are arriving at a stadium in Johannesburg for a memorial service for Nelson Mandela. 成千上万的人抵达约翰尼斯堡一座体育馆参加纳尔逊曼德拉的追悼会。 US President Barack Obama and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will be among...

  • 里约热内卢问题奥运馆不会被拆

    13-03-28 The mayor of Rio de Janeiro has said the stadium due to host the athletics events at the 2016 Olympics will not be demolished, despite structural problems that have led to its closure. 里约热内卢市长称,将在2016年举办奥运会的体育馆不会被拆除,尽管它...

  • 巴西一座奥运会场馆因屋顶问题关闭

    13-03-27 A stadium in Brazil that was due to host athletics at the 2016 Olympics has been closed indefinitely because of structural problems with its roof. 巴西一座用于2016年奥运会的体育场因屋顶结构性问题被无限期关闭。 The Joao Havelange stadium in Rio de Ja...

  • 伦敦奥运开幕式表演揭秘

    12-07-31 The theatrical tour de force included a series of dazzling spectacles, from a 40ft oak tree rising serenely from a grassy mound, to a towering 18metre Voldemort character roaming around the stage. 在本届伦敦奥运会开幕式上,观众们看到了一系列的耀眼奇...

  • Olympic events in ancient Greece

    09-09-30 The first Olympic event was the stadium race, a course of about 200m (1 stadium) which was the only event until 724 B.C., when the diavlos was added, a distance run of 400m (2 stadiums.) In these races the athletes ran naked, a tradition which was e...
